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The Education of Victoria Page 11

  I awoke still lying on my stomach with a cool, damp cloth pressed between my legs providing pleasurable relief to my sore sex. I twisted over to look at Madame who was holding the cloth. She was still naked but had removed the weapon with which she had assaulted me.

  ‘I’m sorry if that was too hard,’ Madame said in her kindliest voice. ‘When I am in the masculine role an unaccustomed violence takes over.’ I did indeed feel as if I had been raped by an unfeeling monster of a man but the fact that the tool was wielded by a woman seemed to make it acceptable to me. In fact the sensation of being the instrument of pleasure for my headmistress, strangely, gave me a feeling of pride.

  ‘I hope I gave satisfaction, Madame.’ Madame withdrew her hand and the now warm cloth.

  ‘Oh yes, Victoria, and what have you learned from today’s lesson?’

  I considered the beating and the fucking Madame had administered.

  ‘That the paddle, while not so immediately painful as the crop, excites a larger area and produces a long-lasting effect.’ Indeed my buttocks and thighs retained an afterglow of the fire.

  ‘That is true,’ Madame agreed.

  ‘And the double dildo is a formidable tool for one woman to wield on another and perhaps allows one to sense what a man feels during intercourse.’

  ‘That may be the case, although one cannot tell. Lacking sensation in the cock itself and without the process of ejaculation it must surely be a pale replica of the male experience. Well done, Victoria. As a reward for a lesson well learned perhaps you would like to borrow the instrument for your own pleasure.’ I could not believe that Madame was offering to loan me the double dildo but I nodded eagerly.

  I hurried upstairs wearing just my slip, my dress, slippers and the case bearing the double dildo in my arms. I stopped at the door to Natalie’s room and knocked.

  ‘Entrez.’ I pushed the door open and entered. Natalie, also wearing just her slip, leapt off the bed and closed the door behind me.

  ‘Oh, Victoria, what has Madame done to you? It has been hours.’ I dropped my clothes in a heap and sat on the bed, somewhat gingerly, as my arse still stung. I cradled the case in my arms and described all that had befallen me in Madame’s study. Natalie gasped with amazement at each revelation and her eyes opened wide with wonder as I opened the case and revealed the instrument.

  ‘Oh, it is a wonder. Do you think we can use it?’ I lay the case by my side on the bed and pulled my slip over my head.

  ‘Why not? That is why Madame loaned it to me. But have no fear. I shall be gentle. I do not think my fanny could suffer another pounding such as she gave me.’

  Natalie giggled and took off her slip. She watched as I removed the tool from its resting place and slid the white artificial penis slowly and carefully into my vagina. I was relieved that there was only a hint of soreness. Like Madame I requested Natalie’s assistance in fastening the belt tight around my waist. The four straps produced a constricting but not unpleasant feeling around my mound and buttocks. Now I understood why Madame had asked for the belt to be pulled as tight as possible; the weight of the two cocks was quite considerable but, with the suspenders taut, it felt secure. The cock that filled my vagina felt immense but it was the feeling of the leather testicles between my thighs and the sight of the shiny black shaft that truly excited me. I looked at myself in the long mirror noticing how my stance had changed to allow for the stiff rod jutting from my body. In fact I was standing as the boys stood when they were proudly showing off their erections.

  ‘Ooo, it is strange to see you with a cock, particularly a black one.’ Natalie had climbed onto the bed and was watching me with wide eyes. ‘How do you want to do it? Do you want to enter me like Madame fucked you?’ I thought about it for a moment.

  ‘No, let’s try face to face.’

  ‘Good. I am glad. I want to see you as you enter me.’ She lay on her back and spread her legs wide. I crawled between them finding the swaying heavy cock rather unwieldy. I could see that she was ready and eager because her fanny lips glistened with secretion. Natalie’s eyes watched me as I positioned the tip against her entrance and gently pushed. Her lips parted and the head entered smoothly.

  ‘It’s big,’ Natalie commented.

  ‘Does it hurt?’ I asked, worried that I may be stretching her too much.

  ‘No, no, allez.’ I thrust my hips forward and the shaft disappeared into her fanny. As the cock slid in, I lowered myself onto Natalie’s body, resting my arms above her shoulders. My breasts dangled. When my nipples touched hers it was as if sparks of electricity passed between us. I drove the dildo in to its fullest extent until the ball formed a plug between her sex and mine. Our mounds pressed together and my bosom was crushed against Natalie’s. Our faces were just an inch apart. Natalie smiled and opened her mouth. I dropped my head, my lips finding hers. Our tongues touched, circled, tasting each other. I entered her mouth feeling her teeth, then I sensed her tongue inside me exploring.

  I moved my hips and felt the dildo move in my cunt with a reciprocal movement of the other cock in Natalie’s. With our lips pressed together and our tongues entwined I felt rather than heard her moan of pleasure. I experimented with forwards and backwards thrusts, side to side and circular movements. Each gave me a spasm of pleasure and elicited more moans from Natalie. As I moved, my nipples rubbed against hers, exacerbating my excitement. My thrusts increased in extent as I rocked back and forth on my knees. Our mouths remained locked together but now I was bucking forward and back involuntarily; an instinct to thrust the cock up Natalie’s cunt taking over. Natalie’s moans were now growls of ecstasy and her matching thrusts urged me to greater effort. Her arms wrapped around my body and her legs twisted around mine so that we were one body moving in unison; an animal with two backs.

  It seemed as if the dildo had developed a life of its own, thrusting and gyrating inside the two of us, and sending ripples of pleasure to the extremes of our bodies. Natalie’s orgasm began in her toes, her feet banging against my calves like a rider urging her mount to gallop faster. Then her legs were shaking and finally her whole torso. With her arms holding me tight I shook with her and as she hit the peak so I too came with climax that washed through me like a river in flood.

  Gradually our spasms subsided but we remained locked together as if we were manacled. Our mouths parted but Natalie strained her neck to plant kisses on my cheeks and eyelids.

  ‘Incredible,’ she muttered, ‘that was at least as good as with the men. Victoria, you are my favourite lover – you and Madame’s noble tool.’

  Chapter 10

  Victoria’s School Excursion

  The warm spring sun was melting the alpine snows and the track was clear all the way up the valley from the village to the Venus School for Young Ladies. The older girls had already left for their Easter vacation and the big house was quiet without them. My classmates and I were busy packing our trunks and getting excited about our trip to Venice. I was looking forward to seeing the city of canals, the place where I had expected to spend my last two years of schooling instead of here in the mountains.

  At last the morning dawned when the carriages lined up outside and the young men willingly, though regretfully, loaded our luggage. I kissed little Albert on his cheek. He looked sad, as well he might knowing that it would be a few weeks before I or one of the other girls had the pleasure of handling his huge cock.

  ‘Come on girls,’ urged our headmistress. ‘Make your farewells and get on board. We must not miss the train.’ The six of us girls, Madame and her deputy, Madame Hulot, clambered into our seats and we set off.

  Venice was as beautiful and as magical as I had imagined. When we arrived, in late evening, gondolas carried us and our bags through the maze of waterways to the grand house that Madame had hired for our stay. Natalie and I giggled as we watched the gondolier, a young man, skilfully manoeuvring us between the buildings and avoiding all the other water traffic. He wore a loose white shirt and tight black trouse
rs which did little to hide his manhood as he strained on his pole.

  Each of us was grateful for the large comfortable beds in the rooms that had been assigned to us and I fell asleep very quickly. The following day we had a tour of the attractions of the city-state. We marvelled at St Mark’s Square, thrilled to a performance of Vivaldi’s music and admired the glassware on display in the museums and shops. Only Madame Thackeray accompanied us. Madame Hulot was apparently on other errands. Our guide was the gondolier from the evening before and Natalie and I spent much of our time trying to catch his eye.

  Early the next day, Natalie and I met outside our bedrooms and hurried down to the exit onto the canal. It was a bright, warm morning and we were relieved to find the gondolier waiting there with his boat.

  ‘Would you take us for a ride in your boat, please?’ I asked in my best Italian. He looked a little surprised but held out his hand to help us aboard. When we had settled, he cast off and punted us along the busy canals. We pretended to look at the sights but in fact our eyes were only for him. He soon became aware of our attention and we caught a smile crossing his moustachioed face.

  ‘Is there somewhere quieter, less busy?’ I asked. He nodded and steered us off the main waterway. We travelled down narrow backwaters between grand and not-so-grand houses. At last we came to a dead end surrounded on all sides by shuttered and deserted warehouses. There was no sign of any other boats or people. Our gondola drew alongside a jetty and the gondolier threw a rope over a bollard and made us fast.

  ‘Perhaps you would like a rest, after your exertion,’ I suggested, pointing to the cushions between me and Natalie. Natalie giggled. The gondolier smirked and lowered himself between us. He smelt of sweat, olive oil and cheap wine; I rather liked it. Natalie placed a hand on his chest and deftly undid the buttons of his shirt. He made no move to stop her nor when she slid her hand inside and caressed his hair-covered chest. I placed my hand on the growing mound in his trousers and it seemed as if the seams in the tight cloth would be torn asunder.

  ‘I think this needs release,’ I murmured. Despite the strain on the buttons I was able to undo them with ease and his penis leapt out. The gondolier looked proudly at his erection then moaned as Natalie tweaked a nipple. I gazed admiringly at the stiff tower with its purple minaret. I parted the flies of his trousers to free his balls from their nest of long dark hair. I placed my left hand under them and felt his hard testicles in my fingers; then I slid my right hand up the long shaft. He groaned.

  Without relaxing my grip on his prick and balls, I slid into the bottom of the boat, between his legs, and lowered my head to his knob. I flicked out my tongue and touched the tip, tasting the saltiness of the fluid already oozing from the gaping hole. I held his shaft firmly and let my lips slide over the head of his penis, rubbing my tongue against the ridges beneath it. He groaned again and I raised my eyes to see Natalie’s head against his chest, her mouth locked on one of his nipples.

  I chewed on his glans, relishing the texture of the silky skin, then lowered my head further, taking more of the shaft into my mouth. He was already throbbing and I realised that he was less experienced than the men at school so it would not be long before he came. I began a slow up and down movement revelling in the feel of his prick rubbing against the roof of my mouth. The boat rocked with my movements. My estimation was not wrong, however, for after a few seconds his legs straightened, his muscles tensed and his load of hot semen shot into my mouth. I savoured it before swallowing and then sucked every last drop from his wilting cock. At last I released it and took my seat back on the cushions. Natalie raised her head and helpfully began to do up his shirt buttons.

  ‘We had better get back,’ I said cheerfully, ‘it’s nearly time for breakfast.’ The gondolier, flustered, hurried to do up his trouser buttons and resume his position on the stern. It was not a long journey back to our abode and as we stepped off the vessel I called, ‘Same again tomorrow morning?’ He nodded and grinned.

  ‘But next time, I want his cock,’ whispered Natalie in my ear.

  We had another morning of sightseeing but returned in the afternoon to prepare for the evening’s entertainment. Madame had informed us that we would have guests, male guests, and that we would have a chance to demonstrate the fruits of our education. We spent hours on our toilet, dress and cosmetics till we were satisfied with our appearance and then we assembled in the ballroom. A table had been laid to provide dinner for sixteen and a small chamber orchestra played pleasant music.

  The men arrived and were introduced to us. They were representatives of many of the nations of Europe and a variety of ages although most appeared to be in their late twenties or early thirties. Over dinner we conversed about Venice, its history and art, the political situation and the prospects for the new century that would be upon us in just a few years. The men listened attentively but it seemed to me that their contributions were half-hearted and that they wished to move on with the real business of the evening.

  The orchestra struck up a waltz and we paired off, male and female, Mesdames Thackeray and Hulot included. My partner appeared unsure as to which of his feet was which and succeeded in stamping on my toes on a number of occasions. I took an immediate dislike to his moustache that grew from ear to ear and decided that I would look the other way if he attempted to place a kiss on my lips. After the polite number of dances I made my excuses and retired to powder my nose. Upon leaving the ballroom I spied Natalie giggling as ever and dragging her young and athletic-looking quarry up the stairs.

  I danced with two or three other men, one of them old enough to be my father, but not one aroused me half as much as the fit gondolier. At midnight I had had enough, especially as most of the girls and men had left the ballroom. I slipped off to my bed, alone.

  I was up early the following morning but no one else was and the gondolier was nowhere to be found. I was first into the dining room and had almost completed my breakfast when Natalie appeared, yawning.

  ‘I was waiting for you at the door,’ I hissed at her as she sat down to table.

  ‘I’m sorry, Victoria. I overslept.’

  ‘You had a busy night, then.’

  ‘Yes,’ she giggled behind her napkin, ‘he was quite sweet and very surprised when I climbed on top of him and rode his prick.’

  ‘I’m glad you were satisfied.’

  ‘Oh, I had sufficient entertainment.’ She looked at me with a worried frown. ‘But what about you, Victoria? Surely you found a cock to arouse you.’

  ‘No I didn’t. I can’t say I liked any of that lot.’

  Natalie shrugged, ‘Oh well, there’s always tonight.’

  The day followed the same pattern as that previously. In the evening another party of men arrived for the evening’s entertainment but again I found not one to my taste and while all the other girls paired up and escorted their partners up to their rooms I remained alone, gazing across Venice from a balcony.

  At breakfast on the third morning I got up to leave and return to my room but Madame beckoned me to her table.

  ‘You did not find any of last evening’s guests appealing, Victoria?’

  ‘No, Madame.’

  ‘Nor the evening before?’

  ‘No, Madame.’

  ‘You surprise me, I thought that with your enthusiasm for pleasure you would be among the first to make a conquest.’

  ‘I’m afraid I found them rather boring, Madame.’

  ‘The gondolier was more interesting was he?’ I blushed, surprised that Madame knew of our little escapade.

  ‘Yes, Madame, he was most forthcoming.’

  ‘Well, there will be another set of guests this evening and I expect you to be hospitable. These men could be a help to you in the future.’

  ‘Yes, Madame.’

  ‘And as an extra encouragement may I remind you that I have brought my crop with me.’ I gulped at the threat of a beating. She dismissed me and I hurried out of her sight.

  The day�
��s excursions did not interest me as all my mind was on the evening activities. I hoped that at least one of the visitors would excite my desire. Once again we sat down to dinner with an assortment of gentlemen. One had caught my eye when he arrived, a tall, dark-haired Englishman. I was pleased when he took the seat opposite me at table. He showed excellent good manners in conversing with his neighbours but it seemed that the focus of his attention was on me. Our conversation was of no consequence but the words came easily. When the meal was over he invited me to dance with almost indecent haste but I was pleased because he turned out to be an expert dancer and we moved across the floor as one.

  After two or three pieces he escorted me outside to a balcony over the canal. We looked across the water at the moonlit towers of St Marks, then he turned to me, lowered his head and kissed me on the lips. I was surprised at the thrill that passed right through me.

  ‘I know you have the use of a room but would you prefer to accompany me to my hotel?’ he asked. I was unsure what to say. I knew that Madame expected me to exercise my knowledge of the arts of love on this man but would she mind where it took place?

  ‘I’m not sure. I don’t even know who you are.’

  ‘I apologise. I am Gilbert Stebbings, eldest son of William Stebbings, the engineer and industrialist, presently at Merton College, Oxford.’ As he spoke I examined his face and realised that he was very handsome.