The Education of Victoria Read online

Page 6

  ‘Bitte, bitte,’ Hermann muttered. I hardly needed my German to interpret his need for me to proceed. I began to suck and move my head back and forth. On each movement I pushed my lips further down the shaft so that more of his penis entered my mouth. The tip touched the back of my throat and for a moment I gagged.

  I had seen Beatrice take the full length of a man and I hoped that I could emulate her. I wanted Hermann’s penis deep inside me and the throbbing between my legs incited me to ignore the reflex. I forced myself to open my throat and accept the hard intruder. In front of my eyes were the matted curls of brown hair. My teeth raked gently along the shaft as it moved in and out. Each thrust took it further and further inside me, and I was unable to breathe but now Hermann was crying out and screaming, ‘Ja, ja, ja!’ It felt as though the penis was forcing a path all the way down to my fanny.

  All of a sudden I felt the penis judder and as it pulled away from me a wave of fluid poured into my mouth and down my throat. At that moment contractions rippled inside me and I gasped for breath. Hermann’s legs began to buckle but I held firm and sucked eagerly on the softening penis, licking around the glans to extract every last drop of his semen. Only then did I release him. He fell to his knees and then sank back onto the carpet, utterly spent, his penis already shrunken and flaccid.

  My chest heaved, restoring my breath, and my cheeks burned with heat. I tasted the fishy saltiness of his semen in my mouth and licked my lips. I sat back on my thighs, satisfied with myself.

  ‘Oh yes, Victoria,’ Natalie yelled with delight, ‘you have drawn every last drop from him.’

  ‘Very good.’ I looked up to see Madame once again standing over me. I had not realised that she had returned to observe the dénouement. ‘An excellent first effort.’

  ‘Thank you, Madame,’ I said, bowing my head.

  ‘Now, Natalie, it is your turn,’ Madame continued. Natalie looked aghast and pointed to Hermann who was still prostrate on the floor.

  ‘But, Madame, he is finished. Victoria has sucked all the juice from him.’

  ‘Ah, but now, Natalie, you can demonstrate your skill in reviving him. In addition to using your mouth, utilise your hands as you have already learned. He is young so he will soon be rampant and ready for more. If indeed he requires more encouragement, Victoria may remove her bloomers and show him her maidenhead. Now, begin.’ Madame strode off to deal with another altercation that was occurring. Natalie looked at me and I shrugged.

  ‘Madame says you should start,’ I said, not particularly helpfully.

  Natalie knelt at Hermann’s feet and spread his legs apart. She crawled forward and leaned down pressing her face into his crotch.

  ‘Nein, nein,’ he complained and started to push her head away with his hands. I hurried to kneel at his head and took hold of his hands in mine. He did not resist as I pushed his hands to the side of his hips. Natalie teased at his penis with her lips and nibbled with her brilliant white teeth. Then she held the penis up with a hand and licked at his scrotum and chewed his testicles. Already Hermann was beginning to stir. His penis was thickening and starting to harden once again. It already was stiff enough to support itself and Natalie licked up the shaft, lingering at the tip of the glans.

  Hermann was moaning again but made no attempt to get out of my grip. I released his hands and he pressed them against the floor while Natalie administered to his manhood. I remained kneeling with his head between my thighs. Now the penis was restored to its magnificent fullness. It pointed to the ceiling, a glowing beacon of readiness. Natalie sat back on her thighs.

  ‘It is too big,’ she said. ‘It is impossible for it to fit into my mouth.’ Natalie was indeed small and had a very delicate mouth with thin deep red lips. Hermann’s penis was however extraordinarily broad. I could fully understand Natalie’s difficulty. I had an idea.

  ‘Use your hand to grip the shaft and just move your lips and tongue over the head,’ I suggested. Natalie took the penis in her hand barely able to encircle it with her short fingers. She lowered her head again and touched the tip with her tongue. Then she started a rhythmic up and down movement with her hand which she mirrored with her head. Her lips moved over the shining skin of the glans and Hermann began to thrust his pelvis in unison with her hand movements. He was soon groaning and panting and bucking like a horse.

  ‘Go on, Natalie,’ I urged, ‘he is almost ready.’

  She increased the pace and violence of her movements, struggling to keep her mouth in contact with the oscillating rod. Hermann let out a cry and arched his back. His white fluid burst from the end of his penis and hit Natalie full in the face. She let go of the penis in surprise and fell back. Hermann sank to the floor exhausted once again.

  Natalie sat on the floor licking her lips and wiping the semen from her cheeks.

  ‘Urgh, I do not like to taste semen,’ she said, screwing up her nose. I was surprised.

  ‘Oh, I enjoyed it,’ I said. ‘Give me more.’

  During the remaining two weeks of term we had other opportunities to develop our oral skills. I was delighted to invite all six of the young men to place their cocks in my mouth and I swallowed the semen of each with relish. I was interested to note that each had his own taste and was convinced that, if I was to be blindfolded during the act, I could tell which boy I was pleasuring, not merely from the size and shape of his tool, but from the flavour of his effusion. Meanwhile we continued with our daytime studies of art and literature and our practical lessons in cookery and embroidery. The days were now short and the snow was banking up around the house. The mountains were often hidden behind thick blizzards. Each day the men had to clear paths from the doorways to enable deliveries of food and fuel. We did not venture into the cold outside but warmed ourselves by the fires in our rooms.

  At last we came to the last evening. Tomorrow we would depart to our scattered homes, but tonight Madame Thackeray and Madame Hulot welcomed us to an early Christmas celebration. After a marvellous supper the six young men joined the two women and us twelve girls in the drawing room. The men wore their finest linen shirts, leather breeches, woollen socks and leather clogs while the women were dressed in fine silks and satins of every colour. The entertainment began quietly with Madame Thackeray singing songs from various countries to Madame Hulot’s accompaniment on the pianoforte. Madame certainly had a fine, sensuous voice. Then we pushed back the chairs and chaise longue, Madame Hulot struck up a jolly tune and we all began to dance. We whirled and twirled and the men flung their arms around our waists to swing us off the floor. We sang and cried and laughed.

  I cannot recall how long the festivities continued for as I was having so much fun that I lost track of time. But I began to notice that our numbers were thinning as the candles and oil lamps began to go out. The older girls were first to leave in the arms of one boy or other. Then my classmates departed, followed by Mesdames Thackeray and Hulot arm in arm. At last it was just Natalie, Albert and me left in the room. We had fallen on the floor in an exhausted heap.

  Albert was the first to get up. He stood by my side and placed a hand on his crotch.

  ‘You want?’ he said in his thick Austrian accent. I looked at Natalie and grinned.

  ‘Tomorrow we will leave and there will be no more cock for us,’ I said sadly.

  ‘I know,’ she replied. ‘I shall miss it. Shall we give it to Albert?’

  ‘Yes,’ I said eagerly, ‘but let us go upstairs to a bedroom.’ We had not had a boy in our rooms before but I guessed that that was what all our classmates were doing. Natalie jumped to her feet and offered a hand to pull me up. Then each of us took one of Albert’s hands and dragged him out of the room. He did not resist and willingly accompanied us up the stairs. We came to Natalie’s room first and found it empty. A single oil lamp produced a yellow glow which cast shadows around the room. We hurried inside and closed the door.

  ‘Quickly, help me remove my dress and then I’ll help you,’ I requested of Natalie. We fumbled
with each other’s buttons, eager to be free of the restricting garments. Albert watched, his eyes wide with wonder, until we got down to our slips. Then he burst into action pulling off his shoes and socks, dropping his lederhosen and pulling his shirt over his head.

  At last all three of us stood naked and panting with the effort. Albert’s magnificent cock was at once ready for business and he looked from Natalie to me with open-mouthed longing.

  I jumped onto the bed and lay on my back with my head right at the edge of the mattress. I bent my head backwards and I looked at Natalie and Albert upside down.

  ‘Come, Albert,’ I said and then opened my mouth wide hoping that he would realise my intention. He took a few steps and stood behind my head. Because the bed was high and Albert short, the tip of his penis just rested on my forehead.

  Natalie squealed, ‘I must see what you do.’ She too jumped on the bed and lay on her stomach by my side, her face close enough to mine to kiss me on the cheek.

  ‘Forward,’ I urged Albert. He shuffled forward a few inches and now his long penis rested against my nose and mouth and I was staring at his testicles in their hairy bag. I bent my neck further and reached out with my tongue. It touched his knob, which quivered with excitement.

  ‘Natalie, help Albert guide his cock into my mouth,’ I said, then opened my mouth wide. Albert was already eager to do what I wished and placed the tip between my lips. I knew that at the angle at which I was lying my gullet was in direct line with my mouth. What I hoped for soon happened. Feeling my lips around his cock gave Albert the signal to thrust but he retained enough sensibility to control his forward movement so that the knob slowly slid down my throat. I couldn’t breathe and the tool filled me completely but in the last few weeks I had learnt not to gag at all when I took a penis into me. Albert stopped when my nose touched his scrotum. He withdrew a little way and then thrust gently once more.

  ‘Oh, la, la,’ Natalie cried. ‘You have all of him!’

  Unable to breathe I began to feel sense leaving me, but Albert had but a few more moments and thrusts before he erupted. I felt the hot fluid shoot through my breast and then he withdrew. I rolled over gasping and panting for breath. I recovered quickly enough and licked the last drops of Albert’s semen from my lips. I felt elated and proud that I had taken all his formidable length but regretted that I had not been able to savour all his ejaculate.

  I sat up on the bed, still breathing hard, and beamed at Albert and Natalie. Albert had stepped back into the shadows muttering ‘Mein gott’ over and over again. Natalie was wide-eyed with amazement.

  ‘I do not know how you do that, Victoria. It would not be possible for me.’ I smiled, very satisfied with myself. I was pleased to find that I had a skill that I could use to surprise and pleasure the boys.

  Albert, apparently recovered from his adventure, came to the bed. He whistled softly and made signs that seemed to signify that he had found the experience pleasurable.

  ‘I eat you now,’ he said and pushed at my shoulders. I fell backwards and he immediately pushed on my knees. I found myself sprawled on my back with my legs apart and Albert staring at my sex.

  ‘You first, then her,’ he said gesturing to Natalie; then he ducked his head between my thighs. I gasped as his tongue quickly found my clitoris and licked down my crack. After the excitement of the evening and my recent exploits it did not take long before he had me cooing and moaning. Once before Albert had brought me to ecstasy by sucking my fanny and delving deep inside me with his long tongue and now I was tuned to his touch. A charge of animal electricity vibrated my abdomen and reverberated up my spine to make my scalp shiver.

  Natalie sat by my head and I was aware that her hand was between her legs, but all else was a blur as Albert brought me to the peak of pleasure and held me there for moments that felt like days. I screamed and stretched my limbs and finally collapsed in exhaustion.

  Albert moved immediately on to Natalie, pushing her on to her back and burrowing between her legs. In no time she was kicking her feet, waving her arms and yelping with delight. As I regained my breath once more I watched his head bobbing up and down between her thighs. He knelt with his legs spread apart and as his buttocks moved his sac swung from side to side. I could not resist crawling towards him and cupping my hand around the bulging bag. He paused in making his meal of Natalie’s fanny and then resumed. I massaged his balls and watched in fascination as his penis grew once more to its full length. While continuing to finger his testicles with my left hand I reached between his legs with my right arm and slid my hand up and down his shaft.

  Natalie was fast approaching her climax and Albert worked ever more urgently at her as I milked his member. All at once Natalie cried out and almost leapt into the air. At the same moment, Albert tensed and a gobbet of semen gushed out of his cock onto my hand. I withdrew it from between his leg and licked my fingers hungrily, enjoying Albert’s unique flavour.

  We finally lay alongside each other on the bed, sleepy, happy and replete. I reflected that it may be some weeks before I would again achieve such heights of pleasure. I knew that during the vacation I would be impatient to return to share the joys of our bodies with my friends.

  Chapter 6

  Victoria’s Christmas Vacation

  It was a bright but bitterly cold day for the start of the Christmas vacation. The snow which was deep around the Venus School for Young Ladies had a crisp coating and our breath froze on our lips. I put on two slips under my dress to help keep me warm, and my thickest woollen hose. From daylight, horse-drawn sleighs drew up to take my schoolfellows down to the valley. At last it was the turn of Beatrice and me. The men loaded our trunks onto the back of the sleigh and then bid farewell to us. Albert came up to me and said in his broken English, ‘I wait for you, come back.’ His sadness at my departure was not surprising. For the next few weeks neither I nor the other girls would be administering to his magnificent manhood and he would have to use his own hands to take his pleasure. Beatrice and I stepped aboard and wrapped furs around us before we set off and waved to Madame Thackeray as we moved off down the hillside. We held each other tight because despite our furs and extra clothes we both felt the cold but as a result of our layers I could not feel any part of Bea’s body through the layers of cloth.

  We transferred to a coach, which was a little less cold, once we reached the end of the snow. At last we arrived at the railway station. Porters transferred our luggage while Bea and I hastened to our carriage.

  ‘That’s better,’ Bea sighed, relaxing on the padded seat in the relatively warm compartment. I sat next to her and looked out of the window as we began the long train journey back across the countries of Europe to our homes.

  ‘Well, how do you feel after a term at the Venus School?’ Bea asked cheekily.

  ‘Everything that happened is like a distant dream,’ I replied. ‘I’ve felt more excitement and pleasure, and pain, in the last three months than in all the rest of my life.’

  ‘You’ve learned a few things,’ Bea chuckled, ‘and found out a lot about what men like.’

  ‘And women.’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘What about your plans, Bea? Do you think you will find a man suitable?’

  ‘I’m changing my mind concerning that, Victoria. What I have learned this term has given me fresh ideas. I don’t think I want a life where I have to make do with just one person sharing my bed. Just think how boring that would be. You know yourself how much fun we have with the boys at school.’

  I thought about my experiences with Albert, Eric, Hermann and the others. I could see and feel the different sizes and shapes of their cocks and almost taste their semen on my tongue. I understood what Bea was saying. Perhaps one husband would be unexciting.

  ‘So, what are you going to do, Bea.’

  ‘I’m not sure yet, but I hope that Madame Hulot can help.’

  Apart from cookery lessons I had not been taught by Madame Hulot, but I knew that she g
ave lessons to the older girls.

  ‘What has Madame Hulot been teaching you?’

  ‘Ah, that I cannot say. You must wait until it is your turn next autumn. You still have a great deal to learn this year.’ It seemed to me that I had learned a lot but as we had not yet engaged in intercourse with the young men, Beatrice was obviously correct.

  We continued to chat in between eating and sleeping while the train rattled and rumbled across Germany and France. We reached Calais and had to wait for some hours for a crossing because of stormy weather. The journey across the Channel was indeed vexing but at last we reached Dover. Bea left me to catch a train to Brighton and I sent a telegram to Father to let him know that I was nearly in London.

  When I stepped off the train, Father was there to welcome me. He gave me a sedate kiss on my cheek and almost smiled. In the cab back to our town house in Kensington he asked after me and how my studies had progressed. I replied, quite truthfully, that I had found them quite stimulating. We did not converse much more as I was feeling very tired after my long journey so I was quite relieved to finally reach my bed.

  The next few weeks were frankly a bore. Each day Father left me at home alone with the servants while he went about his affairs. In the evenings we either ate dinner alone or entertained his guests, usually men he did business with. Sometimes they brought their wives but they were much older than me and haughty. My father had not remarried since my mother died ten years ago so I was expected to act as hostess. I impressed Father with my new knowledge of cuisine and table decoration but my attempts at conversation with our guests about the political situation or art drew little response other than admiration for the efforts of my teachers.