The Education of Victoria Read online

Page 12

  ‘I am very pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr Stebbings …’

  ‘Gilbert, please.’

  ‘If it pleases you, Gilbert,’ I came to a decision, ‘and, yes, I would be delighted to accompany you.’

  ‘Wonderful.’ He took my arm and escorted me down to the jetty. A gondola was waiting and swiftly ferried us to his hotel, one of the grandest in Venice. I soon found myself in a vast suite at the top of the building with a marvellous view over the whole city.

  ‘You seem to be a man of substance, Gilbert,’ I said looking around the sumptuous apartment. He approached me with two glasses of champagne in his hands.

  ‘My father is the owner of several foundries and factories.’

  ‘So what are you doing in Venice?’

  ‘A grand tour. I know it is somewhat outmoded but my father, being new to riches, thought it was something that his son should do. Paris, Berlin and Vienna had their interesting points but nothing like the view I have here and now.’ He was looking directly at me, his eyes moving up and down my white silk dress.

  I stepped close to him, took both glasses from his hands and placed them on a small table, then pressed my hands against his chest.

  ‘I am sure the view can only get better,’ I said, unbuttoning his dinner jacket and lifting it off his shoulders. As it slid to the floor I was already working on the pearl buttons of his dress shirt. He pulled on his bow tie and it unfastened and fell to the carpet. With his shirt undone I slipped my hands inside and was delighted to find a smooth, hairless chest. He reached over my shoulders looking for the hooks and eyes of my dress. Dextrously he undid them and helped the dress to slide down my body. Being prepared, I only wore a petticoat under my crinoline, so my breasts were bared to him. He gasped as my white globes filled his eyes. I did not allow him time to stare but quickly pushed the petticoat to the floor, stepped out of it and knelt at his feet. Before he knew what to do next I had lifted his feet, pulled off his shoes and stockings and was undoing the buttons of his flies. As I undid the last he was galvanised into action, dragging off his trousers and the white undergarment he had on underneath.

  We stood naked together in the middle of the huge room, lit only by the moonlight that streamed through the floor-to-ceiling windows. He kissed me again on the lips but this time we lingered; our tongues met and explored each other’s mouths. Our knees slowly buckled and we sank onto the thick piled carpet. He immediately diverted his attention to my breasts, pushing me down gently onto my back. Strangely, during the months at the Venus School for Young Ladies, little attention had been paid to my two fine assets. I was surprised and delighted as he first took each in his hands, caressing, kneading and smoothing them. Then he lowered his head and licked around each in turn, and between them, before returning to devote himself to my nipples. He passed from one to the other and back again, giving each its fair share of nibbling, chewing, sucking with his lips and teeth. I was in rapture. It felt that my breasts were swelling to huge proportions and my nipples growing longer and harder with each flick of his tongue. My fanny was throbbing with lust and my thighs were beginning to stick together with all the juices that were dribbling out of me.

  I didn’t want to move but I needed to feel him in my hands, my mouth, my cunt. While he continued to administer to my bosom I groped around until my hands found his thighs. My fingers travelled upwards, caressing the soft skin and there, there was his dangling sac and the long, hard shaft. My touch made him pause in his work on my breasts and I took the opportunity to slide out from under him and crawl around between his kneeling legs. He had a wonderful small, firm pair of buttocks. Now it was my turn to devote my attention to a part of his anatomy. My hands slid over the smooth skin of his bottom and I kissed and licked and nibbled at it. Then I pushed the two cheeks apart and licked down the crack. He tensed as my tongue found his tight arsehole. I lingered there pressing my tongue into the crinkled hole. He gasped and groaned. I wondered if I could bring him to orgasm by just playing with his arse but decided to leave that experiment for another occasion. My tongue continued its journey onwards until I reached his testicles. I opened my mouth wide and sucked in first one then the other to chew and nibble. I released his balls and twisted around so that I was under his long, smooth rod. I licked along its length drawing more moans from the distance.

  I reached his circumcised knob and circled it with my tongue before drawing the whole head into my mouth. While I had wanted to drink down the gondolier’s juice I wanted something more from this young man and he was perfectly ready to oblige. He crawled backwards, his cock slipping from my mouth and sliding wetly between my breasts, over my stomach and through the patch of hair guarding my fanny. I in turn licked up his abdomen and chest until my mouth found his. He moved his knees to between my own and gently but insistently pushed my legs apart. The tip of his cock knocked at the door and found it ajar. In a moment he had entered and was travelling up my tunnel until he could go no further. I flung my arms around his back and wrapped my legs around his thighs, opening my hips wider and driving him in another inch. It felt so good to feel him deep inside me. He paused then and kissed my eyebrows and began to thrust. Each drive brought a grunt from me and an answering push. We matched rhythms, moving in harmony. I had been on the verge of orgasm the moment he started sucking my breasts and now wave after wave of pleasure passed over and through me. All sense had gone, I was solely, joyfully, a cylinder for his piston. And now he was crying out, arching his back and in one last, deep drive, spewing his seed deep into my womb.

  I must have fainted or fallen asleep then because I next remember waking to find myself in a huge, soft bed. I opened my eyes to find his looking at me. He was leaning over me, the moonlight giving a pale blue sheen to his white skin. We kissed and soon we were making love again, this time with me sitting astride him and riding him as if he were my mount on a long and satisfying hunt. And so the night passed with periods of exhausted sleep interspersed with bouts of energetic and glorious intercourse.

  The sun falling directly on my eyes woke me and told me it was late in the morning. I moved my head.

  ‘Ah, you are awake.’ He was standing at the foot of the bed with a tray. ‘I have breakfast; are you ready for it?’ I discovered that I certainly was hungry and ate ravenously before once again turning my attention to him. The taste of me on his cock was a pleasant dessert to the meats and cheeses of the meal. Despite his exertions through the night, his manhood was ready for more excitement. I drew gasps of wonder and amazement when I swallowed his knob and shaft and buried my nose in his pubic hair. He quickly pumped his load straight into my stomach and I pulled back, delighted to have given him an unexpected thrill.

  ‘How do you do that?’

  ‘I don’t know. It’s just a skill I discovered I have.’

  ‘They didn’t teach it at that school of yours.’

  ‘Not that, but I have learned a lot of other things.’

  ‘The only thing I learned at my school was to keep out of the way of the older boys who wanted to shove their cocks up my arse.’ We laughed and chatted about life at his public school, childhood in his father’s new large house and his intention of following his father into the engineering business.

  ‘But first I have this grand tour to complete. Would you like to accompany me, Victoria?’ I was tempted but wondered what Madame would say. ‘We could return here before your vacation is complete so that you can travel back to your school,’ he continued. The thought was certainly exciting. Not only would I see more of the continent but I would have a cock to fuck on any occasion I wished.

  We dressed and returned to the house where we were staying. Madame was at first doubtful but a generous donation to the school drawn on Gilbert’s bank convinced her. I went to my room to hurriedly pack my trunk but diverted to Natalie’s room first. She was lying on her bed relaxing after having had an exhausting night’s activity herself. She was disappointed that we would be apart for a couple of weeks but del
ighted with my brief description of Gilbert’s lovemaking.

  Soon I was back at Gilbert’s hotel, on his bed and being fucked vigorously from behind. He told me that he had rowed while at Oxford and he was certainly an expert at using his thighs to drive his cock deep into my fanny. On each stroke he pulled out so that I felt his swollen knob between my lips then he drove in so that his balls crashed against my pubic bone and his shaft almost seemed to split me in two. Having come so much already it was some time before he approached orgasm but he did not tire, banging into me over and over again and driving me from one climax to another. Finally another spurt of semen sprayed my vagina and we sank into a heap amongst the luxurious bed linen.

  The next day we took passage on a steamship to Rimini. We spent most of the journey in a tiny cabin. We lay together on the narrow bunk with his penis inside me. The rolling motion of the ship produced intriguing sensations as his cock rubbed against my canal. On land once again we set off for Florence, then on to Rome and Naples. At each famous city we spent two or three days idly admiring the treasures and ruins but really viewing each excursion as an interlude between sessions of energetic lovemaking in one sumptuous hotel suite after another. I got to know every part of his body and would spend hours kissing, licking and sucking on each square inch of skin. He quickly learned how my body responded to his touch and in particular how to wield his cock to bring me to extended and exhilarating climaxes.

  On a hot afternoon in Naples we were lying naked on another vast bed.

  ‘Have you had enough of hotels and trains and works of art?’ he asked.

  ‘Mmm,’ I replied sucking on his cock.

  ‘And people,’ he continued, ‘everywhere, crowds. Natives, visitors, servants.’

  I pulled his penis from my mouth and looked at him.

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Well, how about getting away from all this civilisation. Find a place where we can have a simple life. Just for a few days before you have to return to your headmistress.’

  ‘Just us. It sounds wonderful. But how, where?’ I caressed his shaft restoring its stiffness.

  ‘I will have to enquire, but first …’ He pushed me on to my back and lifted my ankles on to his shoulders. I laughed and pulled the lips of my fanny apart to aid his entry. He thrust in and we bounced merrily on the bed for several minutes before he pumped his semen into me.

  He left me dozing while he pulled on some clothes and went out.

  The door opening awoke me and I sat up to hear his news.

  ‘It is arranged.’

  ‘What, already?’ I couldn’t believe how quickly he had been.

  ‘Yes, luckily the hotel manager knows of someone with a home on one of the islands just off the mainland. A telegram confirmed that he has an empty house fit for habitation. He is now booking a fishing boat or something to carry us across. We can leave tomorrow morning.’

  After the hustle and bustle of the cities, the island was like a very pleasant dream. Gilbert’s arrangements had indeed gone like a dream and we had been ferried across the calm, blue waters to an idyllic island straight out of the myths of Homer or Virgil. The small, lime-washed cottage nestled amongst olive trees a few yards from a small cove. Although a simple peasant’s home, it had a spring supplying a constant stream of water, and the owner supplied us with bread, olives, wine and other foodstuffs. There was a bed with a mattress and blankets and a fire to boil water. But most of all it was peaceful. There was no other habitation in sight and only the sound of seabirds and the waves on the shore.

  We thanked the farmer for the use of his cart and his donkey for bringing us from the island’s tiny harbour and waved as they slowly disappeared from view. Gilbert hugged me and swung me round.

  ‘What do you want to do?’ he said.

  ‘Remove my clothes, run down to the beach and make love to you,’ I replied, already pulling off my heavy dress. Gilbert beat me in stripping his clothes off but in a very short time we were racing naked down the path to the sandy cove. Although the air was warm the sea was still cold so we did not spend long in the water. We spent the afternoon sprawled on the beach kissing, licking, sucking and fucking and I discovered the discomfort of getting sand in one’s fanny.

  That afternoon established the pattern for the next few days. We lived like wild animals, naked during the days and huddled under the blankets when the nights turned cool, eating, sleeping and engaging in sexual intercourse. Gilbert’s body became as familiar to me as my own. I knew every vein and crease in his prick and balls and his fingers and tongue explored every fold of tissue in my sex. He learnt where to touch me to produce an instant orgasm and I taught him to hold his erection for hour after hour. I wondered whether I was in love with him but decided that it was too soon to decide. I certainly lusted after him, my desire insatiable for his body, for the feel of his cock in my hands, filling my mouth or sliding in and out of my fanny. His company was a pleasure but was that enough for love? I was not sure.

  At last our final day arrived. Reluctantly we packed our luggage and for the first time since we arrived put our thick, restricting clothes on.

  As we sat in the small fishing boat carrying us back to mainland Italy neither of us spoke at first. With our port in sight Gilbert looked into my eyes.

  ‘Thank you, Victoria. These few days together have been the best of my life. You have taught me so much.’

  ‘Thank you too. What will you do after we return to Venice? Will you continue your grand tour?’ We had not talked of ‘after’ at all and had only lived for the present.

  ‘Yes, I suppose, but very soon I must return to complete my university career. Then there is the work for father and marriage.’

  ‘Marriage?’ It had not occurred to me at all that Gilbert would be considering getting married.

  ‘Yes, my father is arranging for me to marry the daughter of one of his competitors. He intends that the two companies should merge when we complete the ceremony.’

  ‘And when will that be?’

  ‘August.’ There was suddenly a hole in my heart. I hadn’t considered marrying him myself but the thought of him with another woman saddened and sickened me.

  We didn’t speak of the future again and the pleasure that his body gave me overcame the regret that I would soon lose it. We had several nights and days of fucking still as we travelled back to Venice and then I was at the door of the house waving goodbye as he sailed off in his gondola. I didn’t expect to see him again. I turned and entered the villa. Natalie bounded up to me.

  ‘Victoria, at last! Oh, do tell me, was it wonderful? Where have you been? What have you seen? Do you love him?’ She grabbed my arm and we walked upstairs to my room. She was already recounting her numerous liaisons.

  Chapter 11

  Victoria’s Nature Walk

  I reached the top of the ridge and looked around. It felt as though I was on top of the world although in truth there were much higher alpine peaks on the horizon. With the sun shining out of a clear blue sky I was hot and my thighs were as sticky as if I was anticipating a large cock about to slide between them. My heart was thumping just like when I was astride one of the boys and riding his manhood. But here there was no sign of mankind and no men, just my friend Natalie, panting up the last few steps of the climb.

  ‘Mon dieu, Victoria, I am done. Your legs are longer than mine; I can’t keep up with you.’ I took her arm and helped her onto the flat rock that I was standing on.

  ‘I’m sorry, Natalie, but it’s worth it. Look around you. Isn’t it wonderful.’ The look on Natalie’s face told me that she wasn’t so sure.

  ‘Where is the school? I cannot see it,’ she said. The Venus School for Young Ladies was indeed out of sight beyond a lower ridge we had crossed some time ago. I pointed in the general direction of our home.

  ‘It’s over there.’

  ‘We have come a long way,’ Natalie said quite correctly. ‘Can we rest now?’

  ‘Yes, let’s just g
o down a little way and find somewhere out of the sun.’ I looked down the grass-covered slope dotted with the reds, blues and yellows of many varieties of mountain flowers. Down in the valley there were trees but here close to the ridge there were none. I did see a few small shrubs apparently surrounding a small dell. I pointed.

  ‘There, come on.’ I took Natalie’s hand and guided her down to what indeed turned out to be a hollow carpeted with thick grass. Natalie flopped down, relieved that the shrubs provided welcome shade. I sat beside her. Natalie wriggled in her cotton dress.

  ‘Why do we have to wear such thick clothes in the summer?’ she grumbled.

  ‘We don’t,’ I replied, untying the ribbon of my bonnet. I removed the hat and shook out my long hair.

  ‘What do you mean?’

  I began to undo the buttons of my bodice. ‘There’s no one here to see us.’ I completed the unfastening and stood up to push the dress down to my feet. Natalie looked at me uncertainly but then made her mind up and began to copy my actions. I removed my laced ankle boots and slipped the stocking from my legs. Then I pulled down my petticoat. Natalie was rapidly catching me up and we assisted each other in unlacing our corsets. At last and a little nervously we sat naked side by side.

  Although the direct sun had been hot, the air, high in the mountains in May, was still cool. A refreshing breeze carried the clanging of distant cowbells to us and brushed our bodies, quickly cooling us. Natalie lay back and spread her legs.

  ‘Ooh this is wonderful,’ she giggled, ‘I haven’t been naked outdoors since I was a young child.’

  I rested on my side gazing at her white skin. Seeing her body I could not resist sliding my hand up her satin thigh. She turned towards me and my hand slipped between her legs. Her lips found my nipple. She began to suck and I could feel both my breasts swelling and my nipples hardening. My hand reached the top of her groin and my fingers slipped between her lips finding her moist crack.