The Education of Victoria Read online

Page 13

  ‘What do we have here? Two shorn lambs?’ The thick, slow German words took me by surprise. I withdrew my hand and twisted to see the source of the voice. I gasped with surprise when I saw the wild face looking at us from above a shrub. Long dark hair sprang in all directions around a heavily bearded face. Natalie squealed and threw her arms around me.

  He moved from behind the bush and I gasped again. The man was naked. His body and limbs were covered with fine dark hair but every bit of skin was tanned a bronze colour. Obviously he spent a lot of time exposing himself to the sun. He crouched in the entrance to our dell, grinning at us through the mask of facial hair, a leather bag hanging from his shoulder and a stick grasped in his hand. He had quite the longest flaccid penis I had ever seen. It stretched down between his legs, almost touching the ground and with it a sac of testicles dangling like those of a bull.

  ‘Who … who are you?’ I asked.

  ‘I am Wolfgang the herdsman,’ he replied.

  ‘But you are naked,’ I said pointlessly.

  ‘And so are you.’ He smiled and I could feel his eyes examining every part of my body and that of Natalie.

  ‘We were hot and tired,’ Natalie said as way of explanation. ‘We wanted to cool down.’

  ‘Most sensible,’ he agreed. ‘I imagine you are thirsty after your walk.’ He put down his stick, opened the satchel and took out a leather bottle. He pulled out the cork and offered it to me. I realised that I was very thirsty after our climb and gratefully gulped a mouthful of the cool clear liquid. I passed the bottle to Natalie and she too drank from it.

  ‘Thank you, sir. We appreciate your kindness. You said you were a herdsman. Where is your herd?’

  ‘Down in the valley, keeping cool amongst the trees. You can hear their bells.’ He sat down on the grass, crossing his legs.

  ‘They are your cattle?’

  ‘I look after them, and goats and sheep. They belong to the landowner.’

  ‘You live here?’ Natalie asked. She had unwrapped herself from me and was showing an interest in this wild character.

  ‘I have a wooden hut down by the river where I live throughout the year.’

  ‘On your own,’ I said on a hunch.

  ‘That’s right.’

  ‘Why do you wander the hills without clothes?’

  ‘Why not? In paradise Adam and Eve were naked and this is as good as paradise for me. I cannot bear woven fabrics rubbing my skin and, anyway, they get dirty and wear out. When my skin is grubby I dive into the river and wash it off.’

  ‘The mountain water must be cold.’

  ‘It is,’ he grinned. ‘Parts of me shrivel but it is refreshing.’

  ‘But what about winter?’ Natalie asked, sitting up with a light beginning to burn in her eyes. ‘Surely you cannot remain naked when it is cold and icy.’

  ‘I wrap myself in the skins and furs of the sheep and goats that I have slaughtered. But as soon as spring arrives I throw them off and spend the summer months free.’ He finished with an expansive wave of his arms and I admired the firm muscles of his torso.

  ‘How do you pass your time?’ Natalie went on.

  ‘I tend to my vegetable plot, bake bread with the flour the master brings for me and carve wood into stools and handles of tools.’

  ‘What do you do for companions?’ Natalie asked again.

  ‘I have my animals.’

  ‘And for pleasure?’ she whispered, leaning forward.

  ‘Ah, for that I have this.’ He stretched out his legs and stroked his long manhood. Immediately it stiffened, not growing in length considerably but thickening and standing erect. ‘I commit the sin of Onan, but Onan lived amongst his family and I have no one so I think perhaps God forgives me. I am never without it. It goes everywhere with me so morning, noon or night, wherever I may be, I can feel the pleasure of ejaculation.’ He continued to caress his member, pulling on his knob and stretching it. I wondered if it had grown so long because of his frequent attention.

  ‘But come,’ he said leaping to his feet, his balls waving from side to side, ‘you should not lie here getting cold. Gambol like lambs.’ He laughed and offered his hands to pull us both to our feet. He picked up his stick and waved it around catching Natalie on her thigh. She screeched and ran past him to the hillside. I followed with Wolfgang behind me flailing his stick. I tried to run but with bare feet on the rough ground and the steep slope I hobbled rather than ran. I stumbled and fell to my knees, putting my hands in front of me to prevent myself from tipping forward. Immediately his large, rough hands were on my buttocks gripping my hips and pressing forward so that I could not climb back on to my feet. My arms buckled and my shoulders went down, raising my fanny to his gaze. A knee pushed my thighs apart further, and then I felt that long snake-like penis questing between my lips. It slid up and down searching for my hole. He passed the gate, thrust open the door and rushed down the passageway. I groaned as he filled me to the hilt.

  Still grasping my hips he slid in and out. The muscles of his thighs, made strong by the mountain walking, allowed him the leverage to almost exit my channel before driving in again. I greeted each thrust with a cry and a demand for more. It seemed that I encouraged him, for his reciprocations increased in frequency. His testicles banged against my pubic bone and I began to think that with all the masturbation he did he would not come in me. But then he too cried out and a great gush of fluid filled me.

  His penis slid out from me and he fell backwards. I crawled around to face him and lowered my head to his dripping cock. I licked it, relishing the mixed taste of his semen and my juices that made it slick. I have to admit that he was fit, for in just a few minutes of my administrations his penis began to twitch and, instead of resting his head on the grass in a stupor, he was up on his elbows watching me as my mouth moved up and down his tool.

  In a very short time he was erect and I was in two minds what to do with it.

  ‘It’s my turn now.’ Natalie’s demand took me by surprise. In my sexual daze I had completely forgotten her. She pushed me away from Wolfgang and climbed over him. She bent her knees and lowered her fanny towards his waving cock. She trapped it in her swollen lips then descended further. I watched avidly as the long penis disappeared up inside her vagina. He watched too, a look of wide-eyed awe on his face. I wondered with whom or what he had had sexual intercourse. He seemed so surprised by Natalie’s initiative that I concluded that he had never before had a woman ride him.

  Now Natalie was using her own strong, if short, thighs to move up and down on his stiff rod. In my experience no man could take this for many minutes however soon after his previous orgasm. Sure enough, with Natalie crying out with pleasure, in a few moments more, Wolfgang groaned, stretched his legs, arched his back and shuddered. Natalie collapsed on top of him holding his softening penis in her fanny.

  We limped back to the hollow with Wolfgang holding the two of us in his arms. We lay on the grass and hugged and caressed each other. I buried my face in his pubic hair. Because he lived naked and bathed frequently there was no staleness about his odour. I detected grass with a little wood smoke and cow. It was like having sex with the mountain itself.

  After dozing for a time that I failed to measure, Wolfgang opened up his satchel again. As well as sharing the water, he took out a piece of rough bread, cheese and sausage and distributed it to us.

  ‘I must be away,’ he said looking up at the sky. ‘I should check my herd before nightfall.’ I was suddenly aware that the shadows were lengthening and the sun was no longer high in the sky.

  ‘Good heavens,’ I cried. ‘Evening is approaching and we are miles away from home.’

  Natalie jumped to her feet searching for her clothes.

  ‘We’ll miss supper. Madame Thackeray will be furious.’ I too leapt up and tried to sort my clothes from the jumbled pile. We fumbled with each other’s corsets at last getting them fastened if not tightly laced. Wolfgang sat grinning as he watched us struggle into our dress

  ‘Which way do we go?’ Natalie appealed, pulling her bonnet over her head.

  ‘Oh, up to the ridge and then down again,’ I flustered, pushing my feet into my boots.

  ‘Calm, ladies,’ Wolfgang said. ‘I’ll guide you.’ He stood up, put his satchel over his shoulder, picked up his stick and took our hands.

  It felt very strange climbing the hill with a naked man between us, but without his guidance I do not think we would have got on to our correct way. At the ridge he pointed out our path across the next valley and on to the ridge above the school. We set off. I looked back once and saw his silhouette above the ridge but when I looked again he had gone.

  It was difficult climbing down and impossible to hurry. By the time we reached the track that took us back to the school, the sun had long since set behind the mountains and the sky was darkening. Eventually we walked up to the thick wooden door and hammered on it. After a few moments, Eric, one of the servant lads, opened the door.

  ‘There you are. Madame has been demanding to know where you were.’

  We stepped into the hall as the door to Madame’s study opened. Madame emerged, a look of thunder on her face.

  ‘Victoria, Natalie. Come here at once. How dare you go wandering and miss supper. Into my study now!’ She shepherded us through the door and into her study bedroom. She picked up the crop which was in its accustomed position on her desk.

  ‘Remove your clothes,’ she commanded, ‘you will be punished for such wanton behaviour.’

  For the second time that day we undid our ties and buttons and helped each other out of our corsets. Once again we stood naked, but this time our legs trembled with anticipation of Madame’s wrath.

  ‘Both of you. Bend over the stool.’ She pointed to the elephant-shaped stool which I had been bent over alone on a number of occasions, and we did as we were told. The curved shape of the padded leather back meant that Natalie and I slid together. I was able to bend over it with my toes still touching the floor but Natalie’s short legs left her dangling like a sack of potatoes.

  I waited for the pain that I knew would come. There was a swish through the air, and my buttocks clenched but the blow fell on Natalie, not me. She yelped and jerked. The next one was for me. A stripe of fire burned across my left buttock and I too yelled. One after another the blows came, some on Natalie’s behind and some on mine. My mind was not on whether we were receiving a fair distribution of the blows. All I knew was that my buttocks were aflame and that between my sobs I could hear Natalie wailing. Madame paused, puffing slightly.

  ‘Now where have you been?’ she demanded.

  ‘I’m sorry Madame,’ I cried plaintively. ‘We went for a walk in the mountains and forgot the time.’

  ‘You silly girls. Don’t you know how dangerous the mountains can be? You may have fallen and injured yourselves. There are wild animals and there is the Goat Man.’

  ‘The Goat Man?’ Natalie and I said in unison.

  ‘Yes. They say he wanders the mountains naked and has intercourse with the goats that he herds. He’s quite mad and probably dangerous. Heaven knows what he would do if he came across two stupid girls like you out for a Sunday stroll.’ She brought the crop down on each of our buttocks twice more, drawing yet more cries from our sore throats.

  ‘Now pick up your clothes and go upstairs. There is no supper for you tonight.’ We apologised for our misbehaviour, thanked Madame for our punishment and hurried out with our clothes bundled in our arms.

  We went together to the room I shared with Beatrice. Bea was away from school for some reason so I knew we could be alone together. I dropped my clothes on the floor and jumped on the bed sobbing. My poor maltreated buttocks were so sore. Natalie joined me and we lay together face down.

  ‘Do you think Wolfgang is the Goat Man?’ she asked.

  ‘Of course he is; there’s not going to be two naked herdsmen wandering the hills, are there?’

  ‘No I suppose not. But do you think he fucks his goats?’

  I remembered how Wolfgang had taken me from the rear like an animal when I had stumbled forward, how he had gripped my hips, preventing me from escaping his penetrating thrust. I could see him gripping a nanny goat in a similar manner, and I considered how surprised he had been when Natalie had ridden him.

  ‘I think he probably does.’

  Chapter 12

  Victoria’s Birthday

  The evening sunlight streaming in through the open window gave our skin a golden glow as the six of us sat perched on our straight-backed chairs as we had done on many evenings throughout our year at the Venus School for Young Ladies. Each of us wore a scarlet basque and stockings signifying that we had had the experience of a penis slipping into our vaginas on at least one occasion. For I think all of us, it was in fact many bouts of intercourse and at least six different cocks. I was trying to concentrate on what Madame Thackeray was saying although in truth I was too excited to sit still as it was my birthday.

  ‘I know you have learnt a great deal here,’ Madame continued. ‘You have begun to learn the skills required by a wife, a hostess, a housekeeper, a woman of finance. You know and understand a little of culture and art, of couture and gastronomy, of business and politics. You have also commenced your training in the arts of pleasure. I believe you have come to understand your own bodies, the source of your desires, the means of your arousal and you have begun to discover what motivates others to seek satisfaction in relationships with other men or women. You have all developed skills, some more than others.’ Here, for some reason, Madame glanced to the end of our row. For a moment her gaze fell on me and I blushed and wondered what she could mean.

  ‘But do not think that your education is complete. Very soon you will be returning to your homes for the summer vacation. It is wise to practise the techniques you have learned but do not for one moment consider that you have acquired all the wisdom necessary to understand the nature of love. You are but a part of the way on your journey. In September you will return to continue your studies and I can promise you that Madame Hulot and I will work you hard to complete your education.’

  The events of the past nine months flashed through my mind. I recalled the effort and embarrassment in our initial fumblings but principally I remembered the pleasure I had discovered in using my body and the skills I had learned to bring satisfaction to myself and my partners. I also revelled in the glow of friendship that my seventeenth birthday had highlighted. My close friend Natalie had made me laugh early this morning when she gave me her present, a handkerchief embroidered with scenes from the Kama Sutra. Later Beatrice had presented me with a very strange object: a soft rubber cup with a metal spring in its rim. She called it a Mensinga diaphragm which meant absolutely nothing at all to me. She said it was a device to prevent the risk of pregnancy during intercourse. Of course she had to show me how to use it. While I lay on the bed, she knelt between my legs and parted my labia. Then she squeezed the rim of the cup and inserted it into my quim. She pushed it up inside me and released it. I could barely feel it but she said it would sit over the opening into my womb and prevent the seed from entering. Naturally, Bea didn’t finish there. Having removed her fingers from my hole she lowered her head and began kissing and licking my crack. Accustomed as she was with my likes and dislikes she soon had me writhing and begging her to stop, no, to continue. She gripped my buttocks in her hands and held on, her tongue lapping at my juices and teasing my clitoris. My orgasm went on and on until I sank back breathless and Bea released me.

  ‘There,’ she said, ‘that was another part of your birthday present.’

  I awoke from my reverie to find Madame still talking and once again looking straight at me.

  ‘But, of course, this evening is a special occasion as it is Victoria’s birthday.’ The other girls clapped politely. ‘Stand up, Victoria, and come here.’

  I did as I was told and took the few steps necessary to stand alongside Madame with my back to the fur-cove
red divan. I faced my five fellows who were tittering in anticipation, of what I had no idea.

  ‘Now, Victoria,’ Madame continued, ‘as we have few evenings left, we have a treat for you and the rest of the girls.’ She clapped her hands sharply, just once, and immediately the door opened. The six young men entered, led by Eric. Each was barefooted and barelegged but wore a black silk gown which reached to mid-thigh. They formed up into a line facing me and Madame but at right angles to the line of chairs occupied by my classmates. Madame clapped her hands again and, as one, the six men removed the gowns to reveal their naked bodies, each of which shone with a bronze light in the evening sunshine. All six cocks rose to attention like the instruments of a row of trumpeters preparing to blow a fanfare.

  Eric, fair and tall, stood proudly to attention with his marvellously proportioned cock. Next to him was Hermann, dark, not as tall but more thickset, with a penis of matching girth. Then there was Johann, with his straw-coloured hair and his massive circumcised purple knob. Alongside stood Mario, the dark Latin lover of the group with his strangely curved tool bending upwards like the prow of a ship. The penultimate was Wilhelm, the oldest by a few years but who nevertheless displayed magnificent musculature beneath thick dark hair and an eager manhood. Last was Albert, the smallest and youngest who yet had the largest, thickest, most intimidating penis of the lot.

  There was no sound. Every one of us held our breath and awaited some signal for whatever was to begin. I was stupefied. Yes, of course I had seen each one of those fine tools before. Every last one had entered me on numerous occasions. I had seen two or even three of the boys in action at once as we practised some technique or other. But never had all six paraded their masculinity in such a fashion before us.

  ‘Commence,’ Madame commanded and stepped aside. The six men moved towards me. I felt a sudden fear. What was expected of me? What was going to happen? I stood still waiting for some signal.

  Eric stood in front of me, while the others formed a circle around me.