The Education of Victoria Read online

Page 14

  ‘Happy birthday, Victoria,’ he said in his strong German accent. Then he leant forward, took my face in his hands and kissed me on the lips. His tongue pushed between them and I opened my mouth to accept him. At the same I felt fingers working to undo the lace ties of my basque, pulling on the ribbon of my knickers and unfastening my silk stockings from the suspenders. While Eric continued to explore the interior of my mouth and I rubbed my tongue against his, the few clothes I was wearing were removed. In moments I was naked.

  Eric released my mouth, his tongue flicking my lips as he parted. Firm hands grasped my thighs and my shoulders. An arm or two encircled my waist. I was lifted up and carried a step to the divan where they laid me gently on my back. My legs were parted and my hands held. For a moment I felt vulnerable, and then the sensations started. Gentle hands caressed my thighs from knee to crotch. Fingers played my arms as if finding notes on a flute. More fingers smoothed my brow. Still more hands palpitated my abdomen, circled my breasts and at last reached my nipples, which were already as hard as acorns. My mind was overwhelmed with the sense of touch. Every square inch of my skin seemed to be in contact with the sixty fingers and thumbs that were presumably active. Eventually a hand found my sex and for a moment the burst of electricity drove away all other sensations as the fingertips parted my lips and found my little knob. Then all the nerve endings fired in unison and my brain seemed to explode.

  One by one the hands were replaced by mouths. A tongue, it may have been Eric’s again, slipped inside my gaping, panting mouth. Moist, warm lips and tongues sucked on my fingers then ran up my arms to find my nipples. Others sucked my toes, and another quested deep within my channel. I had been immobile, frozen by the variety of feelings, but now I waved my hands in an almost random fashion. The fingers of my left and right hand simultaneously found two dangling sacs each containing two hard but mobile nuts. I held them while their owners continued to suck on my breasts. The sacs were connected to two hard shafts. I gripped them, squeezing almost involuntarily as the tongue and mouth drew hard on my clitoris. I was vaguely aware of sounds – clapping, laughter, raised voices urging the men on.

  The tongue retreated from my mouth and I was conscious of its owner shifting his position to squat over me. His cock touched my lips and I opened my mouth to accept him greedily. The head slipped inside and I sucked on the swollen knob. The other tongues moved away too and my feet were lifted, parted and held against the crotches. I felt pubic hair under my toes and my heels pressed against their erections forced from their horizontal positions.

  With my vision obscured by the root of the shaft that was thrust in my mouth, the swinging balls and the lean buttocks either side of the puckered arsehole, I could not see which man kneeling between my legs was in possession of the ramrod that then thrust into my cunt. My legs stiffened but were held firmly in their embrace. My grip on the two cocks tightened and I clamped my lips around the shaft that was pushing towards the back of my throat. The long, thick penis penetrated me as far as it could. I could almost feel it bashing at the rubber diaphragm that protected my womb.

  Then all the men began to move in rhythm as if taking part in some strange dance. The two that had penetrated my mouth and sex moved their members in and out, the two in my hands strained to push and pull and the two that held my feet pressed them against their crushed balls. The reciprocating movement was hypnotic and I almost swooned before reaching a shuddering climax and was filled from two ends with gobbets of semen.

  While still gulping down the creamy fluid and before I was aware of what had happened the penises withdrew from my mouth and sex, my feet were released and the cocks slipped out of my hands. I was turned on to my stomach and lifted to my knees. Then hands gripped the side of my head and pulled me down onto another erect manhood. Without thinking I opened my mouth to accept it. My lips slid down the shaft and the knob rubbed against the back of my throat. Once upon a time I may have gagged but I was proud of my skill to ignore the feeling and take the cock as deep as its owner wished.

  My buttocks were parted and I felt a fresh, hard cock rub against the crack between them before finding and entering my fanny. It was thrust in to the hilt. It felt as if the two cocks would meet somewhere in my abdomen. I loved it. I slid up and down the two shafts as if they were connected and formed a single thick rod on which I was skewered. My movement drew a response. The two men groaned and moaned as they made their thrusts until almost simultaneously they spewed their loads of sperm into my two orifices.

  Once again there was no pause as the two withdrew. I sucked the last drop of semen as the penis reversed out of my gullet. Hands grasped my armpits and hoisted me up. A man slid between my legs. I glanced down to see Hermann lying on his back, his cock towering up towards me. I was lowered gently and guided on to his organ as if impaled on a spike. With my crack and thighs slick with fluid he slid in with no resistance whatsoever despite his girth. The arms released me and I squatted with my buttocks pressing on his testicles. I straightened my back. For the first time I looked around and took in what was happening. My four spent lovers were reclining on the floor being ministered to by my classmates. They too were now naked and were licking the juices from the cocks and balls of the young men. I looked down at Hermann lying beneath me, his penis throbbing deep in my channel and his arms reaching up to grasp my pendulous breasts.

  Little Albert climbed onto the divan and stood over Hermann. His immensely long cock waved in front of my face. Once again I opened my mouth, this time as wide as possible in order to accommodate Albert’s girth. I raised my bottom and Hermann began to thrust his hips upwards. Despite having had four men already I was now unstoppable. I was desperate to bring these two proud tools to a spurting climax.

  When I first met Albert he would come in seconds but now he was as experienced as I and we worked together for minutes on end while Hermann utilised his own youthful muscles. Eventually, with both men grunting like pigs, they both filled me and I too shuddered to an orgasm.

  Now fatigue hit me and I sank onto the bed, rolling off Hermann to lie on my back. I thought that would be it. I had satisfied the six boys. Each had shot their loads inside me. With them finished I would slide into a well-deserved and satisfied sleep. But this was not what they had planned for me. As my eyes closed and my breathing stilled, I was aware of a softer, smoother face between my thighs and a hot tongue lapping at my sopping cunt. I raised my head just sufficiently to see that it was my friend Natalie who was cleaning the love juices from my fanny. She worked eagerly, removing the slick fluids and soothing my swollen parts. I watched as Eric moved behind her, knelt and presented his rejuvenated cock to her raised behind. His entry took Natalie by surprise. She paused in her sucking, looked up and caught my eye. A huge smile spread across her face as Eric’s cock slid into her; then she resumed her ministrations. Eric began to rock back and forth and the vibrations passed through Natalie to me. Each thrust of his penis pushed Natalie’s face deeper into my sex. The pace quickened and Natalie licked and sucked feverishly with each oscillation. I could feel her starting to quiver as her climax approached and I felt a similar sensation in my abdomen. Eric was crying out on each drive forwards and now as my own orgasm took over I clamped my thighs around Natalie’s head. I think the three of us came together. I can only guess at the moment that Eric’s cock propelled its cargo into Natalie’s vagina but she ceased to chew on my knob at the moment that I succumbed.

  I thought that now I would be allowed to relax but as Natalie sank back onto the floor, another girl, Freya, I think, from the colour of her pubic hair, clambered over me to take her turn lapping at my mount. Her knees were planted on either side of my head and I looked up her thighs into her gaping hole. It occurred to me then, in that moment of tranquillity, that we are all different. The sparse, fair curls of hair and the pink engorged folds of skin that guarded the entry to her canal varied in colour and shape to mine or indeed any other woman’s that I had examined. They were as differen
t as the features on a face. I wondered if it would be possible to recognise a person from the convolutions of her vulva or the form of his penis. Freya was licking at me enthusiastically and her excitement showed in the moisture glistening in her quim. A tiny drip rolled out of the crack, hung on a wisp of hair then fell onto my lower lip. I licked it and my mouth filled with the flavour of girl and sex. I was about to reach up and pull her down to my mouth to suck more of her honey but before I could do so a long, erect cock appeared and speared her hole. The owner of this magnificent organ knelt just behind my head and while his sac swung from side to side above my forehead I had the closest view possible of a penis fucking a cunt. I could see every swollen vein, every crease in the skin, and with each retreat the purple head appeared only to disappear again straight after.

  Despite the distraction of the shaft sliding in and out of her crack, Freya devoted herself to keeping me on the crest of a continuous orgasm. My nether region felt as if every nerve fibre was burning with excess electricity, an electric light with too high a voltage about to burn out and explode in a brilliant, if short-lived, flash. I watched the pistoning penis appear and disappear inside Freya’s hole faster and faster until … he withdrew. The glistening, dripping rod dipped and pulsed and a flood of white salty fluid sprayed over my face. I licked my lips, catching the drops of fluid as if they were the nectar of the gods.

  Then Freya crawled away and my memory becomes clouded because it seems that I just lay on the bed as penis after penis filled my channel one after another, each taking its turn, each thrusting, banging into me, minute after minute, hour after hour, until each, exhausted and relieved of its cream, shrivelled and withdrew.

  At some point I fell into a stupor. When I regained consciousness it was to find someone wiping my face with a cool, damp cloth. I opened my eyes to see Madame Thackeray sitting by my side wielding the flannel.

  ‘Magnificent, my dear,’ she said softly, ‘you have drained them all.’ I attempted to sit up but found that every part of my body was as heavy as lead. I succeeded in raising my head and saw that scattered around the divan were naked bodies, male and female, prostrate, dissolute and fast asleep. I realised that it was now dark and two or three oil lamps provided the light for me to survey the scene.

  ‘Rest, Victoria. Recover your strength. It may be a while before you feel like having a man, or a woman, between your legs again.’ She covered me with a cotton sheet, kissed me on the cheek and left me. After a few moments I drifted into a deep and refreshing sleep.

  I awoke to find the morning sun lighting the sky and filling the room. For a moment I was unsure where I was and then I realised I was still on the divan in the drawing room and the memory of the previous evening’s activities returned. I confess to feeling proud of myself. I had taken on six lusty lads and drained the spunk from them. The memories were making me smile with satisfaction when the door opened and Natalie entered.

  ‘Ah, Victoria, you are awake,’ she whispered. She was dressed in a simple slip which barely covered her bottom. She came to me and sat on the side of the couch. ‘How do you feel after your adventure? You were incredible.’ I confessed to being a little stiff and sore in my nether regions and that my memory of the proceedings was a little confused, particularly after the first round of intercourse with the boys.

  ‘But, Victoria, you were insatiable. You lay back with your knees up and your thighs wide apart and goaded them into filling you up one after the other. You bounced and thrust on the couch until each spilled his load and then you urged the next to take his place.’ I expressed some surprise since my part in this activity was like something in a dream. ‘Each of the men came at least four times during the evening and you had most of them. We just helped them to recover between bouts.’ She giggled, lifted the sheet that covered me and placed a hand on my poor overused fanny. ‘I can still feel the heat,’ she said.

  ‘It is indeed burning,’ I admitted.

  ‘Then come with me. We have a bath prepared and soothing lotions to hasten your recovery.’ She pulled the sheet from me, took my arm and gently helped me to my feet. My legs felt as wobbly as if I had undergone a strenuous activity, which I suppose I had. I climbed the stairs like an old lady, one step at a time in the arms of my dear friend.

  The bath was indeed a pleasure and the administration of the cooling creams by Natalie’s gentle fingers brought considerable ease to my discomfort. Later I lay in my bed and entertained guests. Madame Thackeray called to congratulate me on my display of uninhibited sexual pleasure. The other girls came to giggle and gossip about what they had seen and done and one by one the boys visited, bowed, kissed my hand and thanked me for giving them such satisfaction. I asked coyly about the state of their members after such activity and they confessed to being a little sore themselves. After the last one left I rested my head on my pillow and reflected on the most enjoyable and memorable birthday I had had so far in my short life.

  Chapter 13

  Victoria’s Vacation Occupation

  I was bored. Just a week spent in my father’s town house had left me frustrated and wishing that I was back at the Venus School for Young Ladies. My father left home early in the morning and did not return until late evening so we had little time to talk or entertain guests. He had also dismissed most of the servants for some reason, just leaving me with a single maid and the cook-cum-housekeeper. With no governess I had no chaperone to accompany me to the shops or the parks, although in the hot summer weather that we were having, the odour of the city made a walk outside somewhat unpleasant. When I did see my father I pleaded to be allowed to go to our Berkshire home but he said he didn’t want me dilly-dallying with the country folk. I think he was referring to Bill, the stable-lad I once fancied. So I remained shut inside the stuffy house with no one to converse with or to entertain me.

  In the mornings, before I had my maid fit me into my corset, I lay in my bed fingering my nipples and rubbing a hand against my clitoris. Just thinking of Eric’s or Albert’s thick cock was enough to give me a brief orgasm but it was nothing to the sensations they and the other boys had engendered. I missed their company as much as their attributes and I also missed the chatter and the touch of my friend Natalie. During the day, dressed in my petticoats and high-necked dresses I could do little other than sit in the library and read improving literature. I was bored.

  Thus it was that I received a letter from Beatrice with great excitement. Though I had shared a room with Bea at school, I had not seen much of her in the last months of the term. She was mysteriously absent; marrying a gentleman was, I thought, the most likely explanation. Her letter reported that she was now established in a south coast resort and invited me to join her for a few weeks over the summer. I was so excited, I could not even wait for my father to return to ask his permission so I started packing straight away, and I think my maid was surprised by my efforts. When Father returned late that evening I was waiting with my request. In fact I think he was pleased to pass me into someone else’s charge even though Bea was only a year or so older than me. He approved my vacation as long as suitable travelling arrangements could be made. Hence a couple of days later I was put on the train to Brighton.

  The cab delivered me in late afternoon to an elegant Regency town house. A smartly dressed maid opened the door and guided me to the drawing room. Bea rose from her chair as I entered and I marvelled at the colours in her silk tea dress.

  ‘Oh, Victoria, it is so wonderful to see you. I am so pleased that you could come to stay.’ She kissed me on the cheek and gestured for me to sit beside her on a settee. I looked around at the newly decorated room filled with rich furnishings and exquisite ornaments.

  ‘Is this your husband’s?’ I enquired, worried that I may be a little presumptuous.

  Bea giggled, ‘I am not yet married, Victoria, and have no intention of being.’

  ‘But this wonderful house. Is it yours?’ I knew of no single woman, certainly of Beatrice’s age, who owned such p

  She laughed, ‘Well, yes and no. It belongs to a trust of which I am the sole beneficiary. I have patrons who have contributed to it and continue to support me.’

  ‘Patrons?’ I asked innocently.

  ‘Gentlemen. Come, let me show you around. I’m afraid the decoration work has not yet been finished but your room is ready.’

  Bea led me from the drawing room and back into the wide hallway. She showed me the dining room set for dinner in the evening and then guided me up to the first floor to her bedroom and then to mine. Both rooms had a wonderful view over the promenade and the sea and both had the unheard-of luxury of their own bathrooms. I also noticed that both rooms were thickly carpeted and equipped with large comfortable beds, ample wardrobes and chests of drawers, more than adequate gas lighting and plenty of mirrors. Back on the landing Bea pointed to the stairs leading to the second floor.

  ‘There will be two more bedrooms on the next floor and the maids’ quarters are in the attic.’

  ‘Do you intend to take guests?’ I asked. Bea looked at me as if I had missed something.

  ‘I will be employing a couple of suitably qualified young ladies to occupy the rooms.’

  I realised at last the venture that Bea had undertaken.

  ‘Oh, I see. And these ladies will entertain your patrons.’

  ‘No, that will be my pleasure, but there will be friends and acquaintances that will require, ah, entertainment. For example, this evening we will be welcoming one of my patrons, Sir Stephen, who will be bringing a guest. I do hope that you will be able to satisfy the guest while I attend to Sir Stephen’s desires.’

  I grasped what Bea was intending and nodded my agreement. Bea took my arm and escorted me back downstairs.

  ‘Now tell me about the end of the term at the Venus School. I hear that you had an exciting party.’ We giggled together as I described what had happened on my seventeenth birthday.