The Education of Victoria Read online

Page 15

  Dinner was a pleasant affair. Sir Stephen was a healthy forty-year-old banker who was evidently much enamoured with Bea. They gossiped and giggled throughout the meal and Sir Stephen’s hand spent a lot of time resting on Bea’s thigh. The other guest was a business colleague of Sir Stephen who told me in a soft voice that his name was Theophilus. Older than Sir Stephen, rather more portly and a little shy, he was nevertheless pleasant company. He chatted to me about the banking profession while Bea and Sir Stephen laughed at each other’s jokes. When the fine meal was over, Bea and Sir Stephen stood.

  ‘We’ll, hmm, retire now,’ Sir Stephen said.

  ‘Look after Theophilus, Victoria,’ Bea instructed.

  ‘I will,’ I replied and looked at the banker who had turned a shade of pink. I held out a hand to him. ‘Shall we withdraw, too?’ I asked. He swallowed and nodded.

  I led him up the stairs. There were already muffled shrieks and laughter coming from Bea’s room. I opened the door to my bedroom and stood aside to let Theophilus enter. He looked at the bed rather uncertainly and turned to look at me. I realised that if anything was to come of this union then I would have to take the lead. I closed the door behind me and stepped onto the carpet.

  ‘Can you help me unbutton this dress, please, Theophilus, it is so tight and I would like to get out of it.’ His fingers, used to counting out sovereigns and guineas no doubt, also proved adept at unfastening the tiny buttons. Soon I was able to step out of the full dress and then push down one, two, three, four petticoats. That left me standing before him in my tightly laced corset that squeezed my waist and stretched from my bosom to my thighs.

  ‘Please, Theophilus, can you release me from this constraint?’ This time his hands shook as he took hold of the cords and undid the garment.

  When the corset fell to the floor, Theophilus let out a small gasp. I allowed him to gaze at my body; after all, I was proud of my figure. I watched his eyes taking in my bosom, my flat stomach, the V of hair at my crotch.

  ‘You are most attractive, Victoria,’ he whispered.

  ‘Come, let us see your attractions,’ I said in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere and move the proceedings along. Theophilus stood still, not knowing what to do next. I knelt at his feet and began to unbutton his trousers. He took the hint and took off his jacket, undid his bow tie and began to undo his shirt. Soon he was standing before me in his combinations. I confess I tittered a little behind my hand as he did look a little like a penguin standing there in the evening light.

  I eventually got him out of his undergarment and looked at his rather unprepossessing body with a little disappointment. A small, sad penis and crumpled sac dangled between his two scrawny thighs. I was not sure that I relished engaging in the arts of love with this middle-aged, somewhat overweight gentleman however pleasant he was as a dinner companion. Nevertheless I had promised Bea that I would look after him so I would do so. I was still considering how to start when Theophilus signalled to me to lie on the bed. I did as I was told, wondering what he intended.

  He began with my toes. He caressed each between his soft fingers then sucked on each in turn. Then he kissed my feet, one after the other, and on to my ankles. His moist, warm tongue touched my calves and my knees and then stopped. He moved to my side and repeated his actions on the fingers of my left hand, caressing my hand and arm right up to my armpit. Then he did the same to my right arm. He rolled me over on my stomach and returned to my legs, licking the back of my thighs right up to my buttocks, then starting at my neck and shoulders working down my back making sure that every square inch of skin received attention from his lips and tongue.

  By this time I was in delight. Every touch was an electric shock and a telegraph signal that my fanny responded to with an itch that became a fire of longing. I wanted something to enter me, to fill me up, to rub my knob and make me come. But he wouldn’t. He went on with his patient licking. He circled my buttocks then ran his tongue up the crack pausing to repeatedly orbit my arsehole.

  Then he turned me over and began again at my neck and worked down to my bosom. He spent a lot of time on my breasts and nipples and every minute that passed made me more desperate for a climax. Finally he moved down to my stomach, lingered around my navel and then buried his face in my curls. At his urging I opened my thighs and at last I felt his lips on mine and his tongue delving deep into my crack. I know that my juices were flowing and he drank deeply, slurping up the liquid. He found my knob and began sucking. Now at last I found release. I bucked as my orgasm ripped through me but he held on, clasping my hips in his hands and keeping his mouth locked to my quim.

  As my climax passed I peered down to look at him kneeling between my legs. His little penis had grown a little but even erect was still no bigger than a chipolata. He raised his head and came forward to plant a kiss on my lips. I tasted my sex on him. I was barely aware of him entering me and a few moments and grunts later he came and subsided by my side. I marvelled at how one so considerate with his foreplay, who had brought me to a peak of excitement with his lips, could be so ineffective at intercourse.

  Theophilus was asleep and snoring softly. I pulled the sheets over us and I too fell into a slumber.

  I awoke with the morning sunshine streaming into the room. I was alone and there was no sign of Theophilus or that he had spent the night with me except that when I looked at the table alongside the bed I noticed a gold coin. I picked it up and looked at it. It was a whole sovereign. I had never held so much money in my own hands although I knew that my father dealt with hundreds every day. I pulled on a gown and went downstairs. Bea was in the dining room eating breakfast, alone.

  ‘Good morning, Victoria. How are you?’

  ‘Very well, Bea. Where are Sir Stephen and Theophilus?’

  ‘Oh, they left this hour since. Business. Theophilus asked me to thank you for a most enjoyable night.’

  ‘That was very kind. I think he left this behind.’ I held up the coin.

  ‘That is for you, Victoria. It is the sum agreed for your service and expertise.’

  ‘You mean that Theophilus has paid one pound to spend a night in my bed?’ I knew that many families lived for a week on just one pound.

  ‘That’s right. Do you think it is enough? Should I charge more?’

  ‘Good heavens, I don’t know, Bea, it is a lot of money. It is just that I haven’t been given money before, for any reason.’

  ‘Well, you wouldn’t service someone like Theophilus for nothing, would you? I haven’t seen him without his clothes but I can’t imagine he was a pretty picture.’

  ‘Well, no, but he did do lovely things to me.’ I described Theophilus’ lovemaking.

  Beatrice looked surprised, ‘He did that? There’s a surprise. Well, that was a bonus for you. He was very happy to pay.’

  ‘So the money is mine.’

  ‘That’s right.’

  ‘Don’t you want a share to pay for your expenses?’

  ‘Not from you, Victoria. You are my friend. But when the girls occupy the other bedrooms I will be taking a percentage.’

  ‘Ah, now I see, Bea. This is a commercial venture is it not? A house of delights.’

  ‘Yes, Victoria. My patrons have put up the capital and of course get preferential treatment but we will be welcoming paying customers. This way I get as much pleasure as I want and control my own affairs. And you are welcome to join me until it is time for you to return to your home or school.’

  I considered what Bea was offering. It promised to be a lot more fun than staying shut up in my father’s stuffy house, and lucrative too. I resolved to remain and join in with Bea’s endeavour.

  In reality my stay was very relaxed. We spent the days reading in the drawing room or taking a stroll along the seafront. Most evenings we entertained one or other of Bea’s patrons and their friends or guests. Although none of the men was as virile as the boys at the school, I nevertheless found the exercise quite satisfying and I was content to stuff th
e growing number of gold coins into my luggage.

  One morning at breakfast Bea looked up from buttering her crumpet.

  ‘Today we are having a different sort of guest, Victoria.’

  ‘Oh,’ I replied.

  ‘His name is Neville and he will be arriving shortly to spend the day with us.’

  I grinned, ‘All day. He must have some stamina.’

  Bea shook her head. ‘No, it won’t be like that. He wants our company and our assistance. Come with me.’ She took my hand and led me up to her bedroom. There was a large trunk in the centre of the room. It was open and I could see that it was filled with petticoats, corsets, dresses and other items of ladies’ attire.

  ‘Neville had this delivered early this morning.’ I was nonplussed but before I could question Bea further the front door bell rang.

  ‘That will be him now. Come, let’s greet him.’ I followed Bea back down to the hallway where the maid was showing a man through the door. He removed his hat and looked up at us as we approached. He was in his twenties with a smooth white face and short light brown hair, slightly built and no more than a couple of inches taller than me.

  Bea welcomed him with a kiss on his cheek and he blushed.

  ‘Welcome, Neville. This is Victoria. She is going to help us out today.’ He took my hand and kissed it graciously. We exchanged greetings and I began to anticipate the feel of his soft hands and lips on my skin.

  ‘Let’s go upstairs and make a start.’ Bea turned and mounted the stairs with Neville and me following. All three of us entered Bea’s bedroom and she closed the door behind us.

  ‘Now, Neville, let us get you undressed.’ There was something about Bea’s tone that surprised me; she wasn’t acting as if she was getting ready to pleasure this young man. She helped him out of his jacket and shirt and let him remove his shoes and undo and pull down his trousers. He stood in front of us in a pair of drawers and nothing else, while neither Bea nor I had made any move to remove any clothing whatsoever.

  ‘Let’s get rid of those too, shall we?’ Bea pointed to his underwear. Self-consciously he pulled the garment down and stood naked in front of us. He had a neat cock which nestled against his balls but showed no sign of interest in any action.

  ‘Now, before we make a start we will have to hide that, won’t we, Neville,’ Bea continued but I was at a loss to understand what she was talking about. Neville nodded, however, and Bea reached into the trunk and pulled out a roll of bandage. She wound it around Neville’s waist and then passed it down between his legs and up between his buttocks. She pulled tight and his penis and scrotum were pulled up and back. She wound the bandages around and between his legs a few times and then tied off the ends. Now Neville stood before us with no sign that he possessed a manhood.

  ‘That’s better, isn’t it, Neville? No dangly bits to spoil the appearance.’ Neville smiled thinly. Bea reached into the trunk and pulled out a white satin corset, ‘Would you like to wear this one today?’ Neville nodded and at last I realised what we were about.

  ‘Oh, I see. Neville wants to dress up as a lady,’ I said aloud, laughing. A cloud descended over Neville’s face, and Bea glowered at me.

  ‘It’s not funny, Victoria. And Neville doesn’t want to just dress as a lady, he wants to be a lady, don’t you, Neville?’ Neville nodded.

  ‘I’m sorry I laughed,’ I said, rather taken aback by Bea’s fierce support for the strange young man. Then I remembered that Neville was probably paying us handsomely for the day’s activities.

  Bea held the corset around Neville’s torso and began to do up the laces.

  ‘Help me, Victoria. Let’s see how tight we can get it.’ Together we pulled on the laces, cinching Neville’s waist. I was sure it must be hurting a great deal but apart from one or two grunts he did not complain at all. It was obvious that he had worn a corset before. At last, when he was fastened from buttocks to shoulder blades, we had reduced his waist to about twenty-four inches and I wondered whether he could breathe. Bea stuffed some cloth into the bosom completing his S-figure. The rest was straightforward, stockings, a number of full petticoats and an elegant white high-necked dress. Neville was beginning to look feminine. As we added layer after layer he looked in the mirror and gradually began to smile with approval. We placed dainty silk slippers on his feet.

  Bea asked him to sit at her dressing table and she got to work with powders and creams, turning his male features into a passable imitation of a woman. The final transformation was a wig of long blonde curls that cascaded over his shoulders. At last he took one final look in the mirror then stood up and faced us. He spoke is a soft, higher-pitched voice.

  ‘Thank you, Beatrice and Victoria. You have done a marvellous job. Now you may call me Amelia.’

  We went downstairs and sat in the drawing room while Bea’s maid brought us tea. I noticed that Neville, or rather Amelia, took only a few sips of hers. Amelia explained that he or she, I was not sure how to think, had from a young age desired to be female. Now that he had inherited from his deceased parents he was learning what it meant to be a woman in our age.

  ‘Perhaps one day I will dress as a woman all the time,’ she ended. ‘Shall we go out now?’

  ‘Out,’ I said, ‘you want us to go out with you dressed like a woman.’

  ‘Of course,’ Bea said calmly, ‘that was always part of the day’s plan.’

  ‘But what if someone sees us?’ I asked.

  ‘What will they see?’ Bea shrugged.

  ‘Three women,’ Amelia said, ‘or to be more precise two beautiful young ladies and an older woman acting as chaperone.’ I looked at Amelia closely and realised that she was correct. In her costume with the wig and Bea’s expert make-up she did indeed look like a smart, mature woman.

  With Amelia carrying a parasol to provide some shade from the midday sun, we walked arm in arm along the promenade. Passing ladies nodded a greeting and men doffed their hats but it was quite apparent that no one took us for other than three ladies out for a walk.

  We entered a tearoom and were shown to a table by a polite waiter. As we ate a light lunch of cucumber sandwiches and fairy cakes we chatted about the things that ladies chat about – the fine summer weather, the latest fashions, the comings and goings of famous names.

  Afterwards we continued our walk out onto the pier. We looked at the crowds on the beach taking their annual holidays. In the pavilion at the end of the pier a small orchestra was playing music for dancing. We entered and took seats around the edge of the dance floor. It was not long before some young gentlemen came up to us and asked Amelia to give her permission for us to dance. As I waltzed around the hall with my partner I tittered to myself wondering what he would say if he knew that our chaperone was a man in disguise. When we returned to our seat we found that Amelia herself had been invited to dance. Bea and I watched in admiration as she performed the female steps with skill.

  It was around teatime that we at last returned to Bea’s home and rested our weary legs and feet. Amelia announced that reluctantly she would have to depart soon as she was expected to attend a function that evening as Neville. We returned to Bea’s bedroom and helped Amelia undress. I found that during the day I had come to accept her as another woman and at times had almost forgotten that she had a penis and testicles confined between her legs.

  Now that Amelia’s dress and petticoats had been removed and her torso released from the confining pressure of her corset she stood before us again clad only in the bandage that hid his manhood. Bea untied the knot that held it and unwound the cloth. As his genitals fell free from their bondage Neville’s penis swelled. It pleased me to see that it was an admirable size. I reached out a hand to caress it.

  ‘No thank you, Victoria. This swollen thing appals me.’ I withdrew my hand hurriedly.

  ‘But would you not like relief?’ I asked.

  ‘Only if I could experience intercourse as a woman,’ Neville replied.

  ‘I know what he would
like,’ Bea said moving to her dressing table. She took out a leather-covered box and opened it to reveal a glass dildo. She removed it and covered it with cold cream. ‘Bend over the bed, please, Neville,’ she commanded and he obeyed.

  She stood between his splayed-out legs and parted his buttocks with one hand. Then wielding the dildo in her other hand she pressed it against his puckered hole. The glass rod slid into his arse and he gasped.

  ‘Oh, yes. More!’

  Bea pushed harder until it was in up to its flared end. She moved it in and out and from side to side and in just a few moments Neville groaned and shook. Bea withdrew the implement and stepped back. Neville stood up and turned to reveal a slack but dripping cock.

  ‘Thank you, Bea. That was most satisfying.’ He began to dress in his male attire. I must confess to being somewhat unsatisfied. The sight of his sex and the violation of his anus had made me considerably excited. When we had shown Neville out of the front door I confessed as much to Bea. She too admitted to having similar feelings and dragged me back to bed where we flung off our own clothes and had a great deal of fun exploring each other’s bodies.

  * * *

  We entertained Neville/Amelia on more occasions during my stay with Bea, but promenading with a man dressed as a lady was not my most unusual experience. One morning at breakfast, Bea made another announcement.

  ‘I have a client for you this morning, Victoria.’

  ‘Oh, is Amelia joining us today?’ I replied misunderstanding her news.

  ‘No, it is not Amelia. It is Colonel Baxter, a friend of one of my patrons. He will be arriving at eleven to spend the day with you and he wants you dressed.’

  ‘Dressed?’ I asked mystified.

  ‘Yes, as a boy.’ I couldn’t understand for a moment why a man should want me to dress as a boy but Bea confirmed that the Colonel was prepared to pay handsomely for the service. I followed Bea to her bedroom where she had laid out on the bed a set of clothes for me to wear. She told me to undress.

  When I was standing naked in front of her, she looked at my bosom.