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The Education of Victoria Page 2

  ‘For the purpose of this evening’s demonstration, ladies, you must imagine that Eric is the man that Beatrice wishes to marry and that he desires her as his wife.’ Madame’s words seemed to provide some explanation for the deep kissing that was going on. I presumed that we were watching a theatrical performance with Eric and Beatrice as the actors. However, the manner in which they clung to each other and inserted tongues into each other’s mouths did seem to go beyond the realms of acting that I was familiar with. Bill had only placed his lips on mine for moments, but as I watched I began to wish that I had responded as Beatrice was doing now.

  The pair parted and Eric began to undo the buttons on Beatrice’s gown which, conveniently for him, were situated at the front.

  ‘Men often find the small buttons of a gown difficult to undo, so you must learn to assist discreetly,’ Madame continued. Indeed Beatrice had assisted so quickly that the gown had slipped to the floor and she revealed not the white corset that I and the other girls wore but a blood-red garment with black lacing. Beatrice now turned her attention to Eric. ‘You will also have to acquire the skill of undoing the fastenings of the male vestments.’ Beatrice certainly had the skill because Eric was swiftly divested of his jacket, stiff collar and shirt and trousers. In the same time he had kicked off his shoes and stockings. He wore no underclothes.

  For the first time in my life a man stood naked in front of me, but his attention was on Beatrice. His buttocks were white firm globes and he stood with his feet a little apart. He gave Beatrice a gentle push and she fell back on to the couch. Now I could see in the mirror beyond them the front of Eric’s body. He had a strong muscular chest, but my eyes were drawn to his member which was as firm as a broom pole and stood out at a right angle from his body. I never knew that it could be come so large. The tip was a shiny purple and shaped like a massive toadstool.

  ‘As you can see, it takes little to arouse a man. The skill comes in prolonging the arousal and giving satisfaction.’ Beatrice had by sleight of hand unfastened her stockings so now when Eric took hold of the vivid red knickers he was able to pull them off in one swift, fluid movement. Beatrice spread her legs wide and bent her knees, pulling her feet up onto the couch.

  From my position at the end of the row I had a full view of her sex despite Eric standing just a pace from her. I saw that she indeed had far less pubic hair than myself and that it was trimmed into a neat arrowhead pointing at the cleft between her legs. Without thinking my hand moved between my legs and I could feel my outer lips swelling like Beatrice’s and a dampness penetrating my knickers. Her swollen crack glistened with her excitement. Eric knelt between her legs and lowered his head towards her sex. I saw his tongue stick out and lap at the juices oozing from her fanny.

  ‘Not all men have a liking for cunnilingus, but many do. By offering herself, Beatrice has given Eric the encouragement he needs and for as long as he remains drinking at the trough, so to speak, he will retain his erection and derive great pleasure. It is important that the lady also derive satisfaction from the process as she must retain her own level of arousal and lubrication.’ Beatrice evidently was enjoying the experience because she moaned at each flick of Eric’s tongue and thrust herself at his mouth. He gripped her buttocks, held her firmly and pushed his face hard into her groin. I almost felt as if I were Beatrice and his tongue was exploring deeper and deeper up my love canal.

  Eric withdrew, drawing breath, and stood to stretch his back. Beatrice immediately slid from the couch to kneel in front of him. They slickly turned side on to their audience. Now I and my fellows could see Eric’s long stiff cock (the word I recalled Bill had used for his sex). It stretched to within an inch of Beatrice’s face. She poked out her tongue and gently touched the tip. It trembled and Eric mumbled something, a ‘Ja’ I think. Beatrice leaned forward, carefully opening her mouth to surround the red onion at the end of the penis. I gasped as I saw it slowly disappearing into her mouth. She kept her jaws wide apart as she took more and more of it in. She stopped with her small pert nose almost buried in his pubic hair.

  ‘Beatrice is one of my most skilled pupils in fellatio. Very few ladies can take the full length of a man’s erect penis but some like Beatrice are able to open their throat and avoid gagging. The heat and the softness of the woman’s mouth bring intense pleasure to the man.’

  Eric was indeed moaning and there was a tremor in his knees. Beatrice rocked back slowly and the shining wet penis re-emerged, but that was not the end. Now she started moving her head to and fro, in turn enveloping and revealing the member. As the glowing tip emerged from her lips her tongue played around it before it disappeared again into the depths of her gullet. Steadily she increased the frequency of her movements. Eric sighed and groaned and began to shake. His testes in their sac wobbled and swung from side to side. Beatrice reached up and grasped them in her hand, holding them firmly as her head now oscillated up and down the shaft. My hand was now pressed hard against my sex, rubbing in time with Beatrice’s movement. I was hot and perspiring so much that I felt rivulets of sweat running down the clefts between both my breasts and my buttocks.

  ‘Stamina is needed for this stage in the act. Some men reach satisfaction very quickly but many are lucky enough to be able to withstand the agony of pleasure for some time.’ Beatrice showed no sign of tiring. Her lips were now locked firmly around Eric’s cock as it slid in and out. At last, when even I was beginning to feel exhausted, Eric let out a cry. I saw Beatrice gulp and swallow and immediately stop her movements. She remained kneeling, holding the penis in her mouth, sucking gently.

  ‘Some men like to withdraw at the point of orgasm and expend their semen in the woman’s face. A number of women prefer that to swallowing the fluid, but in the spur of the moment you rarely have much choice in the matter. A warning though. After orgasm the male often finds his penis rather tender. Be careful not to let your teeth cause pain.’ Beatrice reluctantly let Eric pull his penis from her mouth. It flopped, shrunken and wet between his legs.

  ‘Young men take a few minutes to recover before they can embark on further lovemaking so this provides us with a break in the proceedings. I was pleased, girls, to see that you were watching intently. I noticed also that one or two of you were driven to pleasure yourselves by the excitement of what you saw. I hope you are able to remain dispassionate and observe the skills that Beatrice displayed. Over the next two years you too will learn these techniques. That is our objective here at the Venus School for Young Ladies.’

  Now that I realised that my new school was named after the goddess of love and not a watery city I wondered how my darling father could have gotten so confused. Did he have any idea of the curriculum I was to study? Reflecting on the emotions I had felt as I had watched Beatrice give and receive pleasure, I was excited by the prospects that lay ahead. I thought of what I could offer Bill or any other eligible young man once I had completed my education.

  ‘Now as Beatrice has had a chance to draw breath we will continue with the proceedings. As Eric has been temporarily incapacitated we will have a substitute.’ Beatrice had relaxed onto the couch and Eric gathered up his clothes and left. As he departed the other young man that I had met entered. He made his entry naked with his cock already pointing the way forward. He moved towards the couch. I sat up straighter and peered avidly at the pair. My fingers slipped inside my knickers and felt the slick wetness between my pussy lips. I looked forward with gleeful anticipation to what scenes of lovemaking would unfold before my eyes.

  Chapter 2

  Victoria Learns the Arts of Pleasure

  I sat on the bed unfastening my silk stockings and thinking about the evening’s events. I wondered what was in store for me at the Venus School for Young Ladies. It looked unlikely to be the demure training for married life that my father had imagined when he sent me away from my beloved Bill.

  The door opened and my room-mate Beatrice swept in. Her lace gown was undone and I saw at a glance that she hadn’t
replaced her knickers after her exhibition of lovemaking.

  ‘I don’t know about you, Victoria, but I’m exhausted,’ she said. She did indeed look tired. Her hair was wet and straggly, but there was a rosy glow to her face.

  ‘I am quite tired,’ I admitted. Beatrice jumped on to the bed and knelt beside me.

  ‘Did you enjoy the demonstration?’ she asked. I really did not know how to answer. I had watched her pleasure two young Austrian men in turn while our headmistress explained their actions. I blushed as I recalled how excited I had become watching them perform extraordinary acts upon each other.

  ‘Y-yes,’ I stammered, ‘it was, uh, exciting.’

  ‘That’s good. I really wanted to be the one that Madame selected.’

  ‘Didn’t you mind being watched while you, um, uh ...’

  ‘While I fornicated do you mean, Victoria?’

  ‘Uh, yes, I suppose so.’

  ‘Well why not. If you’ve been trained to do something well, why not show off your skills?’

  ‘Do the other girls think the same?’

  ‘Oh yes, I think so. There was quite a competition for tonight’s show, but Madame says I’m the best at fellatio, and I do adore having a man lick me really deeply.’ I blushed again at the memory of Eric kneeling between Bea’s legs and lapping at her sex.

  ‘Do you love Eric or Hermann?’ I asked innocently.

  ‘Eric’s a dear and Hermann has the most wonderful cock. It is so broad that it really stretches you. But you mean love in the sense, am I going to marry them, don’t you?’

  ‘Well, yes.’

  ‘Of course not, you silly. They’re just for training, like the other boys. I’m going to marry a rich man and keep him happy for as long as he lives.’

  ‘Who is he?’

  ‘I don’t know. I haven’t met one yet – but I will.’

  ‘Oh. Did you say there are more boys here?’

  ‘There are five, or is it six? No, it’s five. Madame employs them around the house but they are really here to help us girls practise the arts of love. Look, I’m ready to sleep, can you undo my corset?’ She turned her back to me.

  ‘Yes, of course.’ I started to undo the lacing. ‘Perhaps you could do the same for me. I’ve never worn one before.’

  Soon both of us had pulled off the tight garments and our stockings. Beatrice pulled the bedclothes over herself while she was still naked.

  ‘I can’t be bothered with my nightdress. Come and cuddle up with me, Victoria.’ It was another new thing after a day of surprising events but I did as she said and for the first time in my life felt my body touching that of another, skin to skin.

  * * *

  Lessons began the next day and soon I was learning the knowledge and skills necessary to please a man, or at least Madame Thackeray’s vision of what men wanted in a wife. I studied art, improved my French and began a course in cookery. In the evening I joined my classmates in the drawing room dressed as we had been on the first evening, in white corset, stockings, bloomers and a light dressing gown. For our first lesson Madame told us that if we were to give pleasure to a man then we must know what gives us pleasure. That meant ‘getting to know ourselves’ as she put it. She put up pictures of the female anatomy and got us to recite the names for the various parts of our fannies. Then she explained about the clitoris. I didn’t even know it existed before but apparently it is what gives women that wonderful experience of climax. She gave us each a small hand mirror and told us to return to our bedrooms. We were to examine our own sex, find our clitoris and stimulate ourselves until we managed an orgasm. It was the strangest homework I had ever been set.

  I sat on the bed with my knickers off, my legs apart, holding the mirror at an angle so I could see what was going on down there with just the oil lamp for illumination. I soon found the hard little knob at the top of my slit which I presumed was the fabled clitoris. I twiddled it and rubbed it. I felt a pleasant sensation but I certainly wasn’t experiencing raptures like Beatrice had when Eric licked her. I was getting a bit fed up but then Beatrice came in.

  ‘Oh, you’re here, I thought you would be in the lesson with Madame,’ she said as she slipped off her gown and joined me on the bed, ‘but, I remember now, you are having your first lesson at getting an orgasm.’ I blushed and squeezed my legs together. She laughed at my modesty.

  ‘Any luck yet?’ I shook my head. ‘It’s all in the touch. Look, let me help.’ She wriggled closer and took the mirror from my hand. Then she caressed the inside of my right thigh.

  ‘Come on, open your legs.’ Reluctantly, I parted my thighs a little. Beatrice lifted my knees and pushed them wider apart. I rested my head back on the pillows.

  ‘There’s no wonder you had trouble. Your bush is so thick I can barely fight my way through to your little knob. It’s time we did something about it.’ Beatrice leapt off the bed and into the bathroom, leaving me confused. A moment later she returned with a bowl of lather and a fearsome blade – a razor. She knelt between my legs and covered my mound with soapy suds.

  ‘Now keep still.’ I was too scared to move a muscle. The cold, sharp blade slid over my most sensitive parts but Bea was so skilled that I felt no nicks. In a very short time she wiped the remaining foam away with a towel and sat back to look at her handiwork. I too looked down between my legs and saw a sight I had never seen. My hair had been reduced to a narrow arrowhead pointing at my cleft. My vulva was revealed in its pink, crinkled nakedness.

  Beatrice licked the fingers of her right hand. The next moment I felt a spasm of electricity pass through me as her fingers touched the lips of my fanny and slipped inside. I had felt dry but with that one touch I immediately began oozing juices. Beatrice’s fingers slowly moved up and down. My swelling lips parted and revealed the dark depths of my sex. Then she moved up until she found the little hooded tip. Her fingers circled it and teased it. Each movement, each touch, each new sensation sent shudders of pleasure through me.

  ‘Is this it?’ I asked breathlessly.

  ‘Not quite. You’ll know.’ Now she had two hands at work, one massaging my clitoris and the other delving deeper and deeper into my crack. Her fingers worked their way into my vagina, rhythmically moving in and out. Now I could feel a change occurring inside me. A wave of emotion seemed to start in my toes and set my legs quivering. It entered my stomach and rose up to my breasts and finally burst through my skull. I clenched my hands and cried out. On and on it continued. I thought I was trapped on a pinnacle of pleasure, but gradually, reluctantly, it faded and passed away. I sobbed and shook. Beatrice gently removed her hands and put the covers over me.

  ‘Now that was an orgasm,’ she said smiling.

  As the days passed I discovered how to give myself pleasure but never did I match that first explosion of feeling that Beatrice gave me. Our evening lessons moved on, however, to consider the male anatomy. I was sitting next to Natalie. She was a petite French girl with piled ringlets of jet-black hair. We had made friends because I was able to speak French quite well while the other girls were German or Italian speakers. Although Natalie was as innocent as me about the art of lovemaking she found our lessons most amusing. She giggled and whispered rude asides to me as Madame described to us the workings of the penis. Then Madame opened a small leather case. We all leaned forward to get a peep at what was inside. There nestling in padded purple velvet were three items made of glass. Madame lifted one out and held it up for us to see. It was in the shape of the male member, about six to seven inches long, an average size so Madame said. The others were the same, exact in every detail. They had a flat end so that they could rest on a horizontal surface and stand up proudly.

  ‘This evening, ladies,’ Madame announced, ‘your task in pairs is to take one of these fine dildos to your rooms and practise inserting it in each other. I want you to learn how to accept the object into your bodies and to position yourselves for the greatest satisfaction.’ I gulped as I looked at the dildos. Only one or tw
o fingers had so far penetrated me and these objects looked so huge. I hesitated but Natalie was eager. She grabbed my hand and pulled me from my seat. She took the first dildo that Madame proffered and dragged me up the stairs to the room that she shared.

  Natalie flung off her robe and leapt onto the bed.

  ‘Please help me remove this corset. I cannot follow Madame’s instruction with my breath being squeezed out.’ To be truthful there was little of Natalie to be squeezed as she had the smallest waist I had seen in a girl of seventeen years. I agreed with her as I too found the corset restricting of movement. We took it in turns to divest each other of the garment and then sat side by side with our stockings sliding down our calves. Natalie held the dildo between her palms, warming it. We both looked at it for a moment. Then Natalie jumped up, tugged her bloomers down and handed the dildo to me.

  ‘Come, I will try first. Let us see if it fits.’ She lay back on the bed and pulled her knees up, revealing her sex. I could see at once that she was excited because her lips were swollen and glistening pinkly. I knelt facing her and slowly advanced the tip of the dildo towards her gaping crack. She jerked when it touched her flesh.

  ‘Sorry,’ I said, withdrawing it.

  ‘Non, the first touch was surprise. Allez.’ She pulled her knees back further. I took a breath and leant closer. This time she did not flinch as the end of the dildo touched and then passed between her lips. The oval knob slid easily into her and then the shaft disappeared inch by inch. She gasped as I gave it a final push. Now only the flat end was visible surrounded by her engorged labia.