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The Education of Victoria Page 3

  ‘Oh, oui,’ she sighed, ‘I am full. Do you think a man will feel the same?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ I replied, ‘I cannot imagine any penis being as hard as glass. What do I do now?’

  ‘Make it move, like a man would.’ I gripped the end of the dildo and slid it out a couple of inches, then pushed it back in.

  ‘Yes, yes, faster,’ Natalie urged. I moved it backwards and forwards. It slid easily with Natalie’s secretions lubricating it. I quickly found a rhythm and was soon pounding the dildo into her. She screamed, urging me to ever greater exertions. It seemed to go on and on. I was perspiring profusely and my arm was tiring when she let out a piercing cry.

  ‘Oui, oui. Aah.’ She trembled violently then released her thighs at last. I sat back leaving the dildo embedded in her. My arm was tired and stiff.

  ‘I think I will prefer it when the man has to exert himself,’ I said. Natalie sat up, still panting, and pulled the dildo from her vagina.

  ‘Oh but it was worth your effort, my dear. Now it is your turn.’

  There were no lessons on Saturdays, so most weeks, if the weather was good, we would go out for walks in the mountains. By late October, winter was approaching and already there was snow on the peaks that surrounded us. Natalie and I decided to visit the nearest village to purchase some fresh fruit. We walked down the rough track. The village was poor and there were only a handful of stalls in the marketplace. The villagers did their best to ignore us. Did they shun us because of what we got up to at the school? Did they even know? Or was it merely distrust of strangers? No one offered us fruit for sale.

  There was a boy standing by the last stall. He looked to be about the same age as us but was quite short and dressed in very rough clothes.

  ‘You want?’ he said vaguely and beckoned us to follow him. Thinking that he might know of a store of fruit we heeded him as he hurried up a narrow alley between two buildings. At the rear there was a wooden shack leaning against the stone building. He opened the door and entered. I ducked my head and joined Natalie in the rough shed. Sunlight entered through the many cracks in the walls and roof. The boy turned to face us.

  ‘Me, Albert,’ he said. ‘You get me job at school?’ With that he lifted up his torn and grubby smock and revealed a huge penis. I gasped and covered my mouth with my gloved hand. Natalie giggled. Albert gripped his member with his right hand but he could barely reach around it. He waggled it at us. The pink glans sparkled in the sunlight.

  ‘You want?’ He waved his immense cock at each of us.

  ‘No, no, put it away,’ I insisted and waved him away. He let the hem of his smock fall, but now that he was fully excited, it did little to hide it. Natalie began to question him and through a mixture of broken English and poorly interpreted German we gathered that he was an orphan, completely destitute and without any means of support now that he was past sixteen years of age. We agreed to pass on his request to Madame Thackeray and said that he should present himself at the school on Monday.

  That evening I waited for Bea to return to tell her about Albert and ask her advice. It was gone midnight when she returned. A look of surprise greeted me.

  ‘You are still awake, Victoria. I was sure you would be asleep at this time.’ She climbed gingerly onto the bed and lay face down.

  ‘What’s the matter, Bea? Where have you been? Are you ill?’

  ‘I’ll be all right, Victoria, don’t worry. I have been having an extra lesson with Madame Hulot.’

  ‘What kind of lesson?’ I asked innocently.

  ‘What do you think? Lessons in what men like from a woman. There is much more to learn in the second year, my dear.’

  ‘More than we saw you do on that first evening?’

  Beatrice turned her head towards me and gave me a thin smile. ‘Far more. Now we are learning the dark arts of lovemaking. Look.’ She pulled up her gown, which I noted was now black lace. Underneath was a black satin corset but her buttocks were bare. I was astonished to see that both white globes were criss-crossed with red marks.

  ‘Madame Hulot did that? Had you done something wrong?’

  ‘Not at all, I performed perfectly.’ There was a pride in her voice. ‘She held me down over her lap while Eric wielded the cane. I cried but did not struggle. Then with Madame Hulot pressing down on my shoulders he knelt behind me. I thought he was going to enter me from behind but he forced his way into my forbidden passage.’ I had no idea what she was talking about. ‘But forget what I have told you, they are secrets for your next year of tuition. Why are you not asleep?’

  I told her about Albert, his desire for a job and his immense attribute. Bea agreed to put the matter to the principal and then bade me to put the light out and get to sleep.

  A few evenings later the six of us were sitting in pairs in the drawing room with the candelabrum and oil lamps fully lit. Madame placed the three glass dildos in their padded box and said, ‘I think that is enough of the artificial. Now for the real thing.’ She clapped her hands and immediately the door opened. Three young men entered wearing knee-length smoking jackets. At the front were Wilhelm and Heinrich who worked in the yard chopping wood and stoking the fires in the kitchen. Behind them was Albert. Albert saw Natalie and me and immediately came and stood in front of us. The other two boys went and stood in front of our classmates.

  ‘Welcome, gentlemen,’ Madame said, ‘now you may disrobe.’ The three boys flung off their jackets. All six of us girls gasped at the sight of three naked men. Albert’s body was completely white except for his arms and lower legs, and he looked and smelt a lot cleaner than when we had last seen him. What had not changed, however, was his long, thick penis. It was considerably bigger than the glass dildo. It stood out proudly, quivering slightly, its root buried in a mass of brown curls, with a fist-sized sac dangling below.

  ‘Now girls, you may caress the shaft and lightly touch the glans.’ Natalie leaned closer and reached out a hand. Albert was staring down at the two cherries in the centre of the small moons that rested on the white satin of her corset. She placed a finger on the shaft about halfway along its length and slid it first one way then the other. Albert groaned and at once a fountain of milky fluid burst from the tip of his cock and hit Natalie between her breasts. She recoiled with a cry and fell backwards. Madame strode over to see what disaster had occurred.

  ‘Really, Albert, I must teach you some measure of control.’ Albert looked as unhappy and embarrassed as he possibly could. His penis had shrunk to a quarter of its erect size and hung limp and forlorn. ‘You must restore it quickly, Albert. You are young and should not need to waste time,’ Madame whispered kindly to him and leant down to take his penis in her hands. She massaged and caressed it and in but a minute or two it began to swell and stiffen once again. Madame turned to me.

  ‘Now, Victoria. You feel it. I am sure we will have no more intemperate accidents.’ Albert took a step towards me and I slid off the chair to kneel in front of him. Now his penis was at the level of my breasts. Albert looked down at them, his eyes wide with the delight of seeing my full bosoms exposed above my corset. I saw his penis stiffen and rise another inch or so, beckoning to be fondled. The foreskin had pulled back completely, revealing the door-knob-sized glans pierced by a small hole which now gaped open. I placed the palm of my right hand on his abdomen, lowered my fingers into the shrub of pubic hair and then, bending my wrist, slid my fingers slowly and gently along his shaft. My thumb rubbed along the underside feeling the tight, smooth skin. When I got to the point where the pink glans began I stopped and squeezed gently. Albert moaned softly. I looked up into his face and could see his eyes wobbling in their sockets. His knees started to buckle.

  ‘I think you had better lie down, Albert,’ I said quietly. He needed no second bidding and he subsided to the floor, soon lying flat on his back with his legs apart on either side of my knees. I had not let go of his penis and now with it pointing towards the ceiling I began to massage it up and down. The skin move
d easily. On each down stroke, the skin of the glans was pulled taut so that it glistened with the reflected light of the candles. On the up stroke, the foreskin slid over the tip. Albert groaned with pleasure on each movement. I was so intent on my actions that I found myself becoming excited as well. I slipped my left hand into my bloomers. Already my pubis felt hot and moist and I found my little knob hard and erect. I rubbed it in time with the vibrations of my right hand on Albert’s cock.

  ‘Harder, harder,’ Albert muttered between gasps of pleasure. I increased my frequency of movement, both hands working hard, the right on Albert and the left on myself. I began to wonder if Albert could be brought to orgasm so soon after spraying Natalie with his semen. I need not have feared, however, for just as my arm began to ache, Albert stretched out his legs and arched his back, and another fountain of white fluid shot from his penis. The shock pushed me to the point of orgasm too. The spasms of pleasure made me cry.

  ‘Oh, bravo,’ cheered Natalie, clapping her hands gleefully. ‘You have done him for sure, and yourself too.’ I sat back on my heels, holding my hands up in front of me and stretching out the fingers to relieve the stiffness of the exertion. Albert lay on his back panting.

  ‘Very good, Victoria.’ I hadn’t realised that Madame had been standing nearby watching me perform, ‘but you must learn that when you are servicing a man, his pleasure is paramount and you should not divide your energy by pleasing yourself as well as him. You will go to my office and wait for me to come and teach you some lessons in the etiquette of lovemaking. Now, Natalie, your turn to work on Albert.’ I rose to my feet and turned towards the door. I was upset that I had apparently transgressed and earned Madame’s displeasure. What punishment had she prepared for me?

  Chapter 3

  Victoria Learns Discipline

  The oil lamp gave me a ghostly appearance in the long mirror due to my white stockinged legs, white satin bloomers and corset, the white skin of my face and exposed breasts. The only contrast was my brown hair and my small red nipples.

  For the first time since I had arrived at the Venus School for Young Ladies some six weeks earlier, I stood in the study of Madame Thackeray, the principal. Why I was there I wasn’t sure. Somehow I had displeased her while pleasuring young Albert during the evening’s lesson. Now I stood patiently awaiting her, standing beside her desk and looking at my image. To my right was a large bed as this was Madame’s bedroom as well as her office. The bed had heavy wooden head and foot-boards with pineapple-shaped knobs at each corner. At the foot of the bed was a strange, waist high stool. It was in the form of an elephant standing on four sturdy legs. Its trunk and two curved tusks pressed against the bed and it had a broad, padded leather back.

  I turned my gaze to Madame’s desk. It bore just four items, two of which were framed photographs. One showed two ladies whom I recognised in the dim light as being Madame Thackeray herself and Madame Hulot, her companion and assistant. They were dressed in light blouses and dark skirts and carried parasols. The other photo was a different style entirely as it showed a naked woman facing the photographer with a fine scarf suspended lazily from her right hand. She appeared to have no body hair whatsoever. I peered closely and was a little astonished to confirm that the figure was Madame Hulot.

  The other two items on the desk also seemed rather incongruous for that of a school principal. One was a black leather riding crop and the other a magnificent ebony phallus. I bent to look at the latter more closely. It was broader and longer than the glass instruments that Madame had given us to practise with, and it had a pair of fist-sized testicles at one end. The other end was a helmet-shaped knob so large that I thought I would barely be able to get my hand around it. I could not imagine what use such a tool could be put to, but further examination was prevented by the scrape of the door opening. I stood up straight.

  Madame swept in, circled me and sat at the chair behind her desk. Although surely in her early forties, she was a handsome woman with her long fair hair piled up on her head. She rested her hands on the leather desktop and looked up at me.

  ‘What is your purpose here, Victoria?’ she asked curtly.

  ‘To study the arts and sciences required to manage our future husband’s household and affairs and to satisfy him in any way that he desires.’ I recited the oft-heard catechism of Madame Thackeray’s school.

  ‘That is correct, Victoria, but you disappoint me. You have shown great aptitude for the arts of love but it seems that you cannot resist taking pleasure yourself.’

  ‘But, Madame,’ I protested, ‘you taught us to find pleasure in being touched and how to arouse excitement in our private parts.’

  ‘I did indeed and valuable lessons they are, but what you have not yet learned is that there is a time to indulge your own pleasure and a time to devote to servicing your lover. Caressing and coaxing the male member requires all your attention, not least in preventing him from reaching a climax too soon. Instead of using both hands on your man you had one hand up your fanny.’

  ‘I am sorry, Madame.’

  ‘You will be, Victoria. However, there is another matter and that concerns Albert. He has a marvellous attribute and will be a great asset to us here, but he is inexperienced and spurts far too readily. As well as learning your own lesson you must teach him restraint.’ I was nonplussed; what did Madame mean? She answered my unspoken question immediately.

  ‘You will spend an hour each day before supper handling Albert’s magnificent cock. You will ensure he retains his erection for the whole hour without ejaculating and you will refrain from fingering yourself in that time. A senior girl will observe and record transgressions. Next Sunday you will report to me at three of the clock and we will examine your progress. Each failure will be rewarded with a stroke of this.’ Madame raised the crop and brandished it at me. ‘And now I will give you a taste of what to expect if you fail.’

  My heart beat faster as I realised that she intended to beat me.

  ‘Remove your bloomers if you please, Victoria.’ I had little choice but to obey Madame. I tugged on the ribbon at my waist. The bow undid and the garment duly dropped to the floor. I stepped out of it.

  ‘Now bend over the elephant.’ The purpose of this strange stool had become apparent. I stepped slowly and fearfully towards it. When my thighs rested against the cool leather, Madame pushed against the small of my back with the riding crop. I bent forward until my stomach was resting on the padded back of the elephant. My arms and my hair dangled down.

  ‘Further,’ Madame urged. I raised myself up on the tip of my toes and found myself delicately balanced on the elephant’s back. I felt Madame’s slippered foot slide between my ankles and push my legs apart. My feet lost contact with the floor and I really was lying across the stool. I was very conscious that my buttocks were as exposed as they could be, as were my most private parts. I lay there listening to Madame’s soft breaths as some moments passed. Not even my dear but strict father had given me more than a spanking before so I had no idea what to expect. I trembled in anticipation. There was a fizz through the air and my left buttock burst into flame. I yelped, but before I could take a breath there came another screech of the crop and my right buttock exploded.

  ‘Please, Madame,’ I appealed, but to no avail as the crop scorched across my left cheek a second time. I tried to struggle off the stool.

  ‘Be still, Victoria.’ She was breathing deeply now, but her energy was barely expended as the crop came down again on my right buttock. I screamed out, as it felt that both my cheeks were aflame.

  ‘That is enough for now,’ Madame said soothingly. I remained thrown over the whipping stool like a sack of potatoes over a donkey. I sobbed but the pain began to subside a little.

  I felt a pressure in the small of my back, a finger that began to slide between my cheeks. It lingered, circling around my arsehole. Despite the smouldering fire on my buttocks the touch was like an electric shock. It became the centre of my attention. The finger move
d on, parting my lips and slipping inside. I realised that my juices were flowing. The finger delved deeper and was joined by its neighbours and by a thumb that felt for and found my swelling button. I groaned as the pleasure competed with the pain of the beating. In fact the pleasure seemed greater than I had ever experienced. In a few moments I was moaning as pulses of indescribable desire rippled through my abdomen. My thighs shook uncontrollably and I came with a gasp and cry. The hand withdrew.

  ‘There, that will teach you something, Victoria. Pain and pleasure complement each other, the former raising the latter to a new plane of sensation. You may dismount now.’

  A little wriggling shifted my weight so that I slid off the elephant and onto my unsteady legs. I turned to face Madame. She was standing holding the door open, my bloomers dangling from an outstretched finger.

  ‘Don’t forget – five of the clock each evening, in the drawing room. Return to your room now.’ I grabbed the undergarment and fled from the office and up the stairs.

  When I reached my bedroom I flung myself face down on the bed. My bottom still burned but my thoughts were of the ecstasy that Madame had given me. Barely a few moments passed before there was a knock on the door, and a whispered voice asked, ‘Victoria, are you there?’ I recognised the French accent of my friend Natalie.

  ‘Come in,’ I called, my voice breaking somewhat. The door opened.

  ‘Oh, Victoria, what has happened to you?’ Natalie approached me and I could see her wide eyes staring at my bottom. ‘Has Madame beaten you? You have a cross of red marks on your smooth, white bottom.’ I explained what Madame had said and the punishment I had received. Natalie laid her hand gently on my bottom.

  ‘Ooh, I can feel the heat still,’ I said. Then I began to describe how Madame had caressed me.

  ‘Do you mean like this?’ Natalie’s finger traced out the same path as Madame’s and again my loins trembled with the delectable pleasure.

  ‘Yes, just like that,’ I moaned. Natalie pressed her hand between my swollen lips.