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The Education of Victoria Page 4

  ‘You are indeed excited, Victoria. I am sure that just a little movement like this,’ her fingers rubbed in and out of my vagina, ‘will make you come.’

  ‘I, I think you are correct,’ I gasped as the tremors increased to a climax.

  Afterwards we lay together on the bed and discussed the strange way that the beating I had been given seemed to make me quicker to achieve orgasm.

  ‘Perhaps Madame will find occasion to use her whip on me,’ said Natalie almost wistfully.

  As the clock in the hallway struck five, I entered the drawing room. Beatrice was sitting on a couch, sewing in the light of the sun that was about to set beyond the mountain peaks. As I stepped towards her I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Albert joining us. Bea put down her work and looked at each of us.

  ‘Good afternoon, Albert.’ Albert nodded his head in greeting. ‘Hello, Victoria. You know what you have to do.’ I turned to face Albert and pressed a hand against his groin. His cock was already hard and straining at his lederhosen.

  ‘You are not going to do it in those clothes, are you, Victoria?’ Bea’s voice carried a note of authority. I looked down at my long grey woollen skirt and high-necked, long-sleeved, white linen blouse. ‘You do not want to get semen on your day uniform. Take it off.’ I had no argument to put to Bea, so unbuttoned my blouse and slipped it off my shoulders, then unfastened my skirt and let it drop to the floor. I stepped out of it and stood somewhat self-consciously in my slip.

  ‘And the rest,’ Bea ordered. I looked at her questioningly. ‘Yes, I said take off your slip. Don’t waste time.’ Bea seemed to enjoy giving me orders. I grasped the hem of my slip and pulled it up over my head. For the first time in my life I stood unclothed in front of a man, well, a boy, as that was all that Albert was really. His eyes widened as he took in the full sight of my naked body. His adoring look immediately excited me and I felt my nipples swell and perk up. I began to sway from side to side feeling extremely sensuous. My breasts swung in response to my movement and Albert’s head followed them.

  ‘Now release him, and get down to work.’ I came to my senses and remembered what I was supposed to be doing. I knelt in front of Albert and undid the buttons of his flies. Before I had finished, his erect penis pushed through the suede leather and throbbed a few inches from my face. He pushed the braces from his shoulders and his shorts slid down his legs. He pulled his smock over his head and then stood naked but for his knee-length woollen socks and the slippers that the men wore inside the house. The rays of the sunset streamed through the window and illuminated his body. His skin seemed to give off a golden glow. I gazed at his marvellous tool, so long, so broad, so firm. There was a tingling between my legs and I lowered my arm so that my hand could find its way between my thighs. My fingers found my crack.

  ‘Victoria, I can see what you’re doing. That’s one black mark against you.’ Bea’s sharp words wakened me as if from a dream. I remembered Madame’s command that I must not pleasure myself but concentrate on Albert. I resolved to do as I was told.

  I placed my right hand under Albert’s testicles and felt their weight on my palm. I caressed his scrotum with my fingers, the coarse curly hairs like a nest. I encircled my left hand around his shaft, my fingertips just meeting my thumb. I pushed my hand away from me, pulling back his foreskin. His shiny, purple knob appeared and the tiny hole in the tip gaped. Albert moaned. I looked up to see that he had thrown his head back and had clenched his fists on either side of his thighs.

  I closed my right hand around his balls and pulled my left hand towards me. The glans disappeared in the folds of the foreskin. I repeated the movement just once but that was enough. Albert moaned again and shuddered and thick white semen gushed out of the penis and covered my bosom. It dribbled down between my two breasts. I released Albert’s penis and testicles from my grip.

  ‘That’s hardly a good start, Victoria.’ Bea’s sneer indicated her low opinion of my skills. ‘It hasn’t been five minutes yet. You’ve got to hold him at the edge for an hour. You had better start again.’

  Albert had sunk to the floor and was lying stretched out on his back on the thick carpet. His penis, though still three or four inches in length, flopped flaccidly against a thigh.

  ‘What should I do?’ I appealed to Bea.

  ‘Caress him, his whole body, not just his cock. Use your bosom.’

  I knelt beside Albert and allowed my fingers to wander over his smooth hairless chest. He murmured with satisfaction. I lowered myself further until my nipples touched his skin, and then I moved from side to side so that my breasts made random curved patterns over his abdomen. The movement gave me pleasure too and my nipples become as hard as acorns. Albert opened his eyes and stared at me with a look of utter amazement. I glanced at his groin and saw his penis stir. I continued to move but watched in fascination as his cock unfolded and grew. It rose higher and higher, straining towards the ceiling. The purple head forced its way through the foreskin and emerged like the fruit of some tropical plant. I was surprised by the light touch of fingers on my breasts. I looked round and saw Albert’s hands cupping and caressing my pendulous bosom. The touch sent a thrill to my stomach and beyond. I could feel my lips swelling and parting. I was in a dreamy state of pleasure and unable to think as my hand slipped between the folds of my vulva.

  ‘Victoria! That’s twice.’ I withdrew my hand and awoke with a start. I knew that Bea would report my misdemeanours to Madame Thackeray and my buttocks tingled with the anticipation of another beating.

  Albert continued to massage my breasts while I leaned over him. He was stretching his legs and pointing his toes. I reached out my right hand to grasp his erect tool, but as I did he was convulsed with a spasm and another glob of semen spurted from the hole.

  ‘Well, I suppose that was a bit better. At least he lasted fifteen minutes that time,’ Bea sighed. ‘You still have forty minutes left, Victoria.’

  It took a little longer to revive Albert after his second ejaculation but allowing him to play with my breasts and nipples kept his attention. I ran my hands all over his young, taut limbs and trunk, exploring a man’s body for the first time. It was so much firmer than a female’s, the muscles hard beneath the silky skin. He explored my body too, his supple fingers tracing the marks of the crop on my buttocks. His long, eager cock trembled and waved as we embraced and moved over each other but I succeeded in restraining him from another orgasm. My resolve only slipped as the clock struck six. He was kneeling over me and I reached between his legs to grasp his tool with both hands. Albert groaned and arched his back. White drops of semen dripped onto my stomach.

  ‘Your time is up, Victoria. You can dress now, Albert.’ Albert stood up and pulled on his lederhosen while I lay back exhausted.

  The next day at the same time, Albert and I met again in the drawing room. We undressed and got to work caressing each other. Today it was Helga who was supervising us and waiting for me to make a mistake. Helga was a big, fair German girl whose conversation seemed to consist of shouted commands. Albert and I had been busy for about twenty minutes without mishap when my hand slipped between my legs. Helga was vigilant.

  ‘Nein, Victoria. You must not,’ she bawled. Albert paused in his manipulation of my breasts and spoke to Helga in German. They proceeded to have a conversation. At last he turned to me and smiled broadly.

  ‘I have explained your task to Albert,’ Helga explained loudly. ‘He now understands that you are not allowed to play with your own private parts but he asks if there is any reason why he should not touch you there.’ Helga shrugged, ‘If he wishes to do so I see no reason why he should not.’

  Albert reached out, took my hand and guided me to the couch. He beckoned for me to sit down. When I had done so he knelt at my feet. I lay back and he pushed my knees apart and gazed adoringly at the wonders that I kept between my legs. I could not see much of what was happening from my reclining position but I imagined that his penis was still firm and wobbli
ng gently. Albert placed his hand on the softest skin at the top of my thigh and wound the short curly hairs around his forefinger. Then he used both hands to peel my lips apart. He lowered his head until his hair and ears touched the skin of my legs. I was waiting for something but I was not sure what was to come. The muscles in my buttocks were tense and my fanny throbbed. When the touch finally came I let out a gasp. His tongue touched my clitoris then slid down into my crack. Warmer and softer than a finger, the feeling was exquisite. He lapped at my hole which I knew was oozing my juices. He had started slowly but steadily he increased the speed of the rhythmic movement. I knew that I was trying to teach Albert restraint but I could not stop myself from being carried away on the wave of orgasm. I sighed and arched my back as the pleasure took me. He sucked greedily on my fanny, gripping my buttocks in his strong hands, then gently allowed me to subside panting onto the couch.

  Albert stood up and I was delighted to see his penis still proudly erect. I slid from the couch onto my knees in front of him and eagerly caressed the magnificent tool. I took care not to grip it too hard but touched and flicked my fingers up and down the shaft, under and around his balls and the crack between his cheeks. I was torn between wanting to give him satisfaction and achieving my task. I am afraid to say that the former won and in a few moments he too shuddered and a fountain of white foam spurted over me. Albert laughed.

  ‘We start again,’ he said while Helga harrumphed in the background.

  The next day, Friday, we again had just one accidental orgasm and on the Saturday we reached the chimes for six of the clock with not even one. Bea was again watching over us and had shown considerable interest in Albert’s eager exploration of my bosom and fanny. Now I was ever so carefully caressing Albert’s erect member and touching the tip gently with my fingertips. At the end of the hour he was begging to be allowed to come and his penis almost trembled with impatience. As the hall clock struck six Bea left her seat and came towards us.

  ‘Well done, Victoria, you can stop now.’

  She pushed me gently but firmly to the side and knelt in front of Albert. She opened her mouth and leant forward so that her lips surrounded the glowing head of Albert’s penis. Albert groaned as his knob disappeared into Bea’s mouth. Although I considered Albert’s penis to be exceptionally long and thick, still Bea inched forward taking more and more of it down her throat. Albert staggered and steadied himself by placing his hands on her head. His hips jerked as if to thrust his manhood further into her. I could not believe it when her nose finally rubbed against his pubic hair. Almost immediately Albert shuddered and his hips vibrated rapidly. I thought Bea would choke but she held onto his thighs while he shot his load straight down her gullet. Moments later he edged backwards, and his penis emerged shrunken and wrinkled. Bea gasped and took quick, deep breaths. She licked her lips and looked at me triumphantly.

  ‘There, that’s how you avoid getting semen on your clothes.’ She laughed while I still looked at her in wonderment.

  ‘How do you do that? How can you swallow a huge cock and not gag?’

  ‘I don’t know, Victoria. It’s just something I can do. I know that very few girls can do it even if they have tried. But the boys like it.’ I looked at Albert still standing and swaying slightly with a blissful expression on his face. I began to pull my slip over my head.

  ‘Tomorrow I have to face Madame,’ I said sadly.

  ‘Don’t worry, Victoria,’ Bea replied kindly, ‘while you had some misadventures earlier you have shown today that you can keep Albert excited for an hour without allowing him to reach orgasm. That is a very great skill. I am sure you have already discovered that though Madame sticks to her word she likes to mix rewards with punishment.’ She gave me one of her knowing smiles and I wondered if she too had been disciplined by Madame Thackeray. I looked forward to the next day with curiosity as well as apprehension.

  Chapter 4

  Victoria Pleases the Headmistress

  For the second time in a week I stood in Madame Thackeray’s study bedroom but today being Sunday I was dressed in my finery. I wore my hooped green silk dress with several layers of starched petticoats to make it stand out and a low neckline that made my breasts prominent. On my feet were matching green silk slippers. Although it was just an hour after lunch, the light coming through the window was a dull grey. It was snowing again and already the mountains surrounding the Venus School for Young Ladies were capped with white. While it was surely cold outside, a roaring fire in the hearth kept the room more than comfortable given that I was fully dressed. My fellow pupils were either in their rooms or in the drawing room engaged in quiet pastimes, but I knew I was to experience more energetic activity.

  I stood patiently while Madame read from the report presumably written by Beatrice and the other senior girls who had observed me. They had watched as I had entertained young Albert. For an hour each day for the last week my task had been to excite him, draw him to the edge of an orgasm and keep him there in delicious agony of anticipation. I had not been successful in every respect. I knew I was going to be punished but I hoped the girls had been charitable to me.

  Madame laid the papers on her desk, took off her spectacles and looked at me.

  ‘Well, Victoria, I see that you disobeyed my instructions,’ she said sternly.

  ‘I did?’ I enquired, uncertain of what response was required.

  ‘I told you not to touch yourself and yet you did, on three occasions.’ I recalled the three times that the senior girls had called out as my hand wandered between my legs.

  ‘Yes, Madame,’ I acknowledged sadly. My colleagues had not spared me from my fate.

  ‘For those lapses you shall be punished. I also see that you failed to control Albert five times. Five times he ejaculated when you were charged with merely keeping him excited.’

  ‘Yes, Madame, I am sorry, but he is so, ah, high-spirited.’

  ‘Nonsense, girl, it is your skill that is wanting.’ Her stern expression softened a little. ‘However, I note from Beatrice’s report that on the last day you succeeded in keeping him erect for a whole hour without orgasm. That certainly suggests that you have some talent. Beatrice also notes that you used your initiative in utilising your whole body to retain his interest.’ My memory was that Albert’s hands and mouth were all over me, caressing my bosom, my buttocks and especially my feminine parts. He gave me intense pleasure while also ensuring that his interest was maintained.

  ‘Thank you, Madame.’ I curtsied in acknowledgement of her praise.

  Madame’s hand stroked the large ebony phallus that lay on her desk then moved to lift the leather crop. She gripped the handle in her right hand and caressed the supple leather at the other end with her left.

  ‘I think that under the circumstances I will lessen your punishment to six strokes.’ I felt a little faint and gulped saliva.

  ‘Yes, Madame, thank you,’ I said weakly. The memory of the four strokes she had given me earlier in the week was all too fresh in my mind and imprinted on my buttocks.

  ‘Now, Victoria, undress if you will.’

  ‘Yes, Madame, but could you assist me with the fastenings, please?’ Madame Thackeray rose and came around her desk to stand behind me. She deftly undid the buttons of my dress and helped to pull it from my arms and over my head. The dress was followed by the petticoats, one after another. At last I stood in just my slip. I pulled that off too and stood before my headmistress completely naked. The smallest hint of satisfaction seemed to pass across her face. It was the first time she had had a full view of my body. Her eyes looked me up and down, alighting on my ample bosom and perky nipples that now hardened under her gaze. Her eyes descended to the bush of dark brown hair that covered my mound and a small smile passed across her face. Then she picked up the crop and pointed to the elephant stool that stood at the foot of her large bed. I took the steps towards the stool slowly and reluctantly.

  The padded leather seat of the stool came up to my waist. W
hen my pubic hair was just touching it, there was a prod in the middle of my back and I was forced to bend right over so that my head and arms fell forward over the other side of the elephant. I balanced with my bottom elevated. The first time that Madame had beaten me I had just rested over the stool like this, and so I waited for my beating to begin. I was surprised when Madame gripped my right wrist and wound a black silk cord around it before tying it to the nearest leg of the elephant. She repeated the action with my other arm and my ankles. I struggled a little but found that I could not move neither arms nor legs or shift my position on the stool even an inch. The cords, though soft on my skin, were as strong as ropes of flax.

  ‘There is no point in trying to move, Victoria. You are bound tight. I do not want you shifting while I select the site for my stroke.’ Immobile, I felt completely defenceless and exposed.

  Nothing happened for some time except for rustlings behind me. I wondered if Madame was moving my clothes from where they had fallen. With my legs secured wide apart and my hands also tied firmly I was not comfortable but knew full well that my comfort would decrease considerably very soon. Then I heard Madame’s soft breathing behind me and knew that my punishment was about to begin. I tried to clench my buttocks but with my legs forced apart knew that my crack was wide open.

  ‘I want you to know, Victoria, that what you are about to receive is not a punishment.’ Madame spoke quietly and calmly. ‘It is a part of your training. You will acquire the skills that we teach here at the Venus School for Young Ladies but you will also learn that pain and humiliation are powerful tools in the arts of sexual pleasure. Today you will suffer the pain and humiliation; soon you may be administering it yourself.’

  I had no idea what Madame was talking about. I had thought that our lessons were to give us skills for pleasing the men who would be our husbands. Did some men like to beat their wives or even be beaten by them? These thoughts were swept from my mind when the first blow arrived. The air screamed and my right buttock exploded in a foot-long strip of pure pain. I yelped; in fact, I more than yelped, I shouted, not words, but an animal noise that I did not know could emerge from my mouth. The heat began to subside just a little before the second stroke came, this time on my left cheek. I screeched again and sobbed and begged.